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With the earthquake death toll surpassing 25,000 in Turkey and Syria, survivors are still being rescued

With the earthquake death toll surpassing 25,000 in Turkey and Syria, survivors are still being rescued


The death toll from the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on Monday exceeded 25,000.

Rescuers are still finding people alive five days later, but mass graves are also being prepared, while makeshift field hospitals, some run by international aid groups and military response teams, are treating some of the wounded.

In Turkey, a father and his three-year-old daughter were pulled from the rubble in the city of Islah, Gaziantep province, after surviving 132 hours.

However, not everything ended well. Rescuers reached a 13-year-old girl inside the rubble of a collapsed building in Hatay province early Saturday and intubated her. Hurriyet newspaper said that she died before medical teams were able to amputate one of her limbs and free her from under the rubble.

Field hospital of the Indian Army

As aid continues to arrive, a group of 99 members of the Indian Army’s medical aid team has begun treating the injured in a makeshift field hospital in the southern city of Iskenderun, where a main hospital has been demolished.

One of the men, Sukru Canpolat, was taken to hospital in a wheelchair, his left leg badly injured with bruises, bruises and deep cuts.

In great pain, he said he was rescued from his collapsed apartment building in the nearby city of Antakya within hours of the quake on Monday. However, after receiving basic first aid, he was released without receiving proper treatment for his injuries.

He said: I buried (everyone I lost), and then I came here. My daughter died, my brother died, my aunt and her daughter died, and the wife of her son who was eight and a half months pregnant.”

temporary cemetery

A large temporary cemetery was under construction on the outskirts of Antakya on Saturday. Bulldozers and bulldozers dug holes in the field on the northeastern edge of town as trucks and ambulances laden with black body bags arrived continually. Soldiers directing traffic on the busy adjacent road warned motorists not to take pictures.

Hundreds of graves, spaced no more than a meter apart, are marked with simple planks of wood laid vertically in the ground.

A worker at Turkey’s Ministry of Religious Affairs, who did not wish to be identified because of orders not to share information with the media, said about 800 bodies were brought to the cemetery on Friday, its first day of operation. By midday on Saturday, he said, as many as 2,000 people had been buried.

People who are emerging from the rubble now, it’s a miracle if they survived. Most of the people who came out now are dead, and they come here.

Temperatures have remained below freezing across the large area, and many people have no shelter. The Turkish government distributed millions of hot meals, as well as tents and blankets.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is visiting quake-hit Diyarbakir, said universities will switch to distance education until the summer, freeing up state-run dormitories for survivors left homeless.

In the city of Kahramanmaras, where a stadium has been converted into a makeshift camp, survivors walked among hundreds of tents, queued for hot meals and gathered around campfires.

In Antakya, an international charity helping Syrian refugees in Turkey has provided shelter to dozens of people in the grounds of Selim Building on the outskirts of the city.

“The problem is that there is not a single habitable house in Antakya, so the only shelter is the street,” said Ahmad Abu al-Shaar, founder of the Moulham Charity Association.

The disaster has compounded the suffering in a region reeling from Syria’s 12-year-old civil war, which has displaced millions of people within the country and left them dependent on aid. The fighting sent millions more to Turkey.

The conflict has isolated many areas of Syria and complicated efforts to obtain aid. The United Nations refugee agency has estimated that up to 5.3 million people have been left homeless in Syria.

Syrian state television said Assad and his wife Asma visited on Saturday morning Duha Nourallah, 60, and her son Ibrahim Zakaria, 22, who were pulled from the rubble the night before in the nearby coastal town of Jableh.

Global Health Organization

The official Syrian News Agency (SANA) stated that the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, arrived in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, today, Saturday, bringing with him 35 tons of medical equipment. He said another plane carrying an additional 30 tons of medical equipment would arrive in the coming days.

The opposition Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, said Saturday that it is “almost impossible to find people alive”.

The death toll in the opposition-held area in northwest Syria reached 2,166, many of them women and children. The total death toll in Syria reached 3,533, while officials in Turkey counted 21,043 dead as of Saturday.




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