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Alaskan volcanoes: Increased earthquake activity at 2 Alaskan volcano may indicate volcanic eruption, alert issued

Alaskan volcanoes: Increased earthquake activity at 2 Alaskan volcano may indicate volcanic eruption, alert issued


Officials stated that earthquake activity increased this week near a second volcano located in a remote area of ​​Alaska, indicating a greater likelihood of an eruption. According to a Thursday press release from the Alaska Volcano Observatory, seismic activity near the Takawanga volcano has increased over the past 48 hours and is continuing.

The volcano is located in the Western Aleutian Islands, west of Anchorage, and is about 5 miles from Tanaga Volcano. Earlier this week, scientists reported that the Tanaga volcano has also seen an increase in earthquake activity.

After seismic activity intensified, the Alaska Volcano Observatory raised the alert level for Tanaga volcano to advisory status on Tuesday, and on Thursday, they raised the alert level for Takawanga volcano to monitor the condition.

AVO Tanaga ORANGE/WATCH – Earthquake activity has increased over the past 2 days and continues; Increased likelihood of volcanic eruption.

— Alaska AVO (@alaska_avo) March 10, 2023

Observatory analysts are watching the situation closely, as several earthquakes occur every minute under Tanaga Island where both volcanoes are located. The most significant earthquake recorded in the last 24 hours was with a magnitude of 3.9 located under the Tanaga volcano.

10 deadliest earthquakes in human history

10 deadliest earthquakes in human history

Shaanxi earthquake

One of the fiercest earthquakes struck Shaanxi Province in 1556. It damaged ten neighboring provinces and affected the whole of China.

The Great Kantō Earthquake

Also known as the “Great Tokyo Earthquake,” it recorded a magnitude of 8.2 on the Richter scale and devastated Yokohama on September 1, 1923.

Valdivia earthquake

The earthquake struck Chile in 1960 and has been recorded as the strongest earthquake of all time. 3,000 were injured and nearly 1,655 killed, leaving 2 million people homeless.

Mangil-Rudbar earthquake

On June 20, 1990, Rudbar Mangel was hit by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake with a focal depth of about 19 km. 5 lakhs were left homeless and three cities were destroyed.

To date, no indications of eruptive activity or disturbance have been identified through satellite or other monitoring data. Although the island isn’t home to any communities, the town of Adak, located about 65 miles away on another island, could face ashfall if any of the volcanoes erupted. Planes flying between North America and Asia can also be affected in the event of a volcanic eruption, as volcanic ash can cause engine failure. Previous eruptions in the area have produced clouds of ash and slow-moving viscous lava, similar to the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state in 1980. While there are no historical records of volcanic eruptions from Takawanga, scientists have found evidence of recent eruptions, and it is likely that Previous eruptions attributed to Tanaga may have actually come from Takawanga. The situation is being closely monitored by scientists. Frequently Asked Questions: When was the last eruption of Volcano Tanaga?

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