The earthquake in Syria and Turkey affected everyone – from refugees to LGTBQ+
The earthquake in Syria and Turkey affected everyone – from refugees to LGTBQ+
On February 6, at 4:17 am, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey and northwest Syria. This earthquake was followed by thousands of aftershocks, which led to the collapse of more than six thousand buildings. The consequences have left tens of thousands dead and injured, including 45,968 and 7,259 confirmed deaths in Turkey and Syria, respectively. Now that the rescue operations have stopped, the exhumation of bodies and the shoveling of rubble has begun.
These tremors have had a devastating impact, which is only compounded by the fact that northwest Syria and southern Turkey have been the epicenter of the Syrian refugee crisis for more than a decade. Millions of Syrians have faced displacement across these areas – a problem that will intensify this crisis, particularly among the internally displaced, refugees and LGBT people.
On February 12, the White Helmets, a volunteer organization operating in opposition-held parts of Syria, declared northwest Syria a “disaster area” and announced its emergency response to the catastrophic situation. At the time, the White Helmets worked tirelessly to rescue families and children from the rubble in northwest Syria, but the needed aid was not forthcoming. To make matters worse, the area was already experiencing severe weather conditions and a lack of resources, shelter, and security before the disaster.
Since the humanitarian response operations for northwest Syria are conducted from southern Turkey in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2672, the vast majority of UN agencies, international and local organizations are based in Gaziantep and Antakya. As a result of the massive damage in the area, the teams of these organizations have been affected by this disaster in various ways, with at least one humanitarian response organisation, GOAL, losing twenty-eight lives – two in Turkey and twenty-six inside Syria – making the situation even more tragic. Moreover, people in this region have been affected, including some aid workers, as most families in Gaziantep sleep in cars and shelters in the freezing cold without reliable food, water and fuel sources.
This reality reflects one of the biggest challenges in the aftermath of the earthquake: responders are also in dire need. While many humanitarian organizations are doing their best, they are not able to operate at their full potential, as many humanitarian teams and UN agencies have already been dispersed, with some of them becoming victims of the earthquake as well. This is what makes the catastrophe even more tragic for Syria.
Syrian Refugees, Displaced, LGBT+
Those displaced within Syria and refugees in Turkey were already vulnerable and faced enough struggle and discrimination. The devastating earthquake means that these groups will be even more vulnerable and discriminated against once again as they start from scratch and rebuild their lives. As a vulnerable group, they are the most targeted in the crisis because they lack civil rights. I speak from experience because this is the seventh time that I have been displaced as a Syrian.
While international aid and rescue teams work tirelessly on the ground, there is a risk that some of them will knowingly or unintentionally contribute to discrimination against LGBT people, according to the Equality Guardians Movement (gem), a Syrian LGBTQ+ organization. Some gay Syrians inside the country have expressed concern about receiving assistance from specific organizations known to be homophobic and discriminatory. In addition, transgender individuals are less likely to seek medical care for fear of being identified and persecuted while providing care by regime authorities, non-state armed groups, and even Syrian society. In the aftermath of these earthquakes, LGBT people whose sexual identities are exposed are at greater risk of being tortured and killed due to their insecurity.
Sexual minorities, particularly refugees, suffer severe discrimination because of their sexual orientation first and foremost. Refugees also suffer from another layer of problems because being displaced adds another layer of discrimination.
Tragedies like these demand an extraordinary and collective response on the part of the international community. There must be a sensitive emergency response to care for the LGBTQ+ community, with implementation by dedicated and sensitive organizations and staff. Thus, the UN Security Council must act with comprehensive measures and great flexibility.
The lack of aid to Syria
This earthquake has increased the suffering of the Syrians, with rescue and relief teams in opposition and regime areas lacking the capabilities and resources to respond to such a disaster. Turkey has been the emergency humanitarian backup line for northern Syria over the years but now it is in a state of emergency.
International aid and rescue teams have been sent to Turkey to help, but Syria is not receiving the same kind of assistance due to a lack of access, security and disruptions to supply chains across the country. In Syria, regime-controlled areas have greater access to aid than opposition-held areas in northern Syria. Many Syrian civil society organizations and activists wanted to avoid normalization with the Bashar al-Assad regime, which took advantage of the earthquake to rehabilitate itself by calling on international donors to direct aid through Damascus, its capital, and lift sanctions.
Syrians have experienced much pain, loss, displacement and suffering over the past 12 years due to war, conflict, drought, cholera and a failing economy. The infrastructure in northwest Syria was already collapsing due to the war and the constant bombardment. Hospitals have been bombed by the Syrian regime and Russian forces over the years, which has led to medical services being limited to rescuers, and residents’ fear of seeking services. For organizations struggling to gain access between Turkey and Syria, some border crossings, including Bab al-Hawa, are impassable due to earthquake damage. However, other border crossings may be passable.
With all this in mind, the repercussions of the earthquake must be dealt with in a comprehensive manner that mitigate the consequences of the earthquake and protect civilians – which is an international responsibility – and takes into account the deterioration of the situation in Syria and the loss. infrastructure, which exacerbates the security situation and in turn affects global security.
François Zenkieh, human rights defender and public affairs activist in Syria.
Further reading
Sources 2/ https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/the-earthquake-in-syria-and-turkey-impacted-everyone-from-refugees-to-lgtbq-people/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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