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Archaeologists have discovered the well-preserved remains of Pompeii linked to the infamous earthquake

Archaeologists have discovered the well-preserved remains of Pompeii linked to the infamous earthquake
Archaeologists have discovered the well-preserved remains of Pompeii linked to the infamous earthquake


In Pompeii, archaeologists recently discovered the well-preserved remains of two people believed to have perished in the earthquake that accompanied the infamous volcanic eruption there nearly 1,500 years ago.

The site said in a statement on Tuesday that the two male skeletons were found under a collapsed wall of the Caste Amante, or House of Chastity Lovers.

Evidence suggests that the wall that trapped both men collapsed during the earthquake that shook the area as Mount Vesuvius buried the Roman city under volcanic material in October 79 AD.

The website stated that about 20% of the city’s population died in the catastrophic Italian explosion. The Casti Amanti duo – who are believed to have been around 55 years old – were likely trying to escape the ash and lava by taking shelter in an unused utility room when the wall collapsed.

One of the men was found with his arm still raised in a futile attempt to protect himself from the falling bricks.

Archaeologists have discovered two more skeletons in the ruins of Pompeii.

The remains were discovered alongside shards of glass paste believed to have once been a necklace, as well as six coins inside a bundle.

The room where the skeletons were found was filled with jars, bowls and jugs.

“The discovery of the remains of these two Pompeians in the context of the construction site of the Insula of the Chaste Lovers shows how much more remains to be discovered about the terrible eruption… and underscores the need for continued scientific research and excavations,” the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, said of the discovery.

Evidence is that the wall that trapped both men collapsed during the earthquake that shook the area.

Gabriel Zuchtriegl, director of the antiquities site, added that scientific progress allows experts to draw a clearer picture of the last days of the stricken city.

Modern excavation techniques help shed light on the inferno that befell over two days in Pompeii and led to the complete destruction of the city, killing many of its inhabitants: men, women and children. Using analysis and the latest methodologies, we can gain insight into the last moments of those who lost their lives.

The ABC reported that more than 1,300 victims of Mount Vesuvius’ eruption have been discovered in the city south of Naples in the past two centuries.

The two men were most likely trying to escape from the blast when the wall collapsed on them.

Earlier this year, Pompeii made headlines when officials announced plans to excavate a street that had been virtually untouched for 2,000 years.

“We are about to contact the past, which is a big unknown; we don’t know what lies ahead,” Zucktrigl told The Times of London of the project.




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