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Why are all earthquakes frightening and oscillating at the same time?


How did you feel the last earthquake, vibration or fluctuation? We explain why all tremors have a little movement and why.

Informal talks after the earthquake show how we are used to this phenomenon.

In some high seismic places such as Mexico City, Chile, or Japan, people are not only prepared for the next earthquake and know what to do when they hear the seismic warning; Those who grew up in a seismic zone can also determine the sensations the movement leaves behind.

This earthquake experiment created a popular culture that distinguishes between earthquake visualization from two basic movements:

We say that the tremor was oscillating when the movement was viewed horizontally, from side to side, as if it were a ship swing or a rock car way of the subway.

We call the fast-paced vertical movement, which causes small jumps in a similar way as the car moves on a gravel road.

Although useful for remembering personal experiences during an earthquake, the truth is that Earth’s movements during the earthquake are complex and cannot be divided into oscillation and intimidation, but are scientifically categorized into seismic waves.

What are the seismic waves produced during the earthquake?

Earthquakes contain different types of waves classified according to their place of production and spread: internal and surface waves.

The primary internal waves of an earthquake are the P (primary) and S (secondary) waves.

The P waves are longitudinal, expanded, and compressed to the ground as if they were accordion in the direction you were going. This is the fastest seismic wave and the first to arrive when an earthquake begins.

GIF: L. Braile, Purdue University

S waves are transverse, which means that they shift the Earth perpendicularly to the direction in which they travel, producing a movement similar to that occurring under sea waves on the sea floor.

GIF: L. Braile, Purdue University

However, in addition to these internal waves, earthquakes cause surface waves with greater potential to cause damage to structures:

The main surface waves are Rayleigh waves, which cause retro elliptical movements in the direction you travel (and are associated with terrible perception):

GIF: L. Braile, Purdue University

While surface waves of love produce S-shaped vibrations closer to the oscillatory motion:

GIF: L. Braile, Purdue University

What about the vibrational and oscillatory movement?

Defining an earthquake as fear or fluctuation is a personal form to determine how an earthquake was viewed and varies from person to person depending on the region, the distance to the epicenter and even the height and type of construction that someone was during the earthquake:

A person in a building in Mexico City may be aware of an earthquake that is completely swinging and would be a correct interpretation, while another person in the same neighborhood explains, but at street level, that the movements he felt were shocking and would be equally acceptable.

It is interpreted by the UNAM National Seismic Service (SSN) as follows:

“The earthquake contains both types of movement at all times. Seismic waves propagate in all directions, causing the Earth to move horizontally and vertically.”

Additionally, SSN demonstrates that the vertical waves are more noticeable the closer they are to the earthquake center and the horizontal waves at a greater distance:

“In places close to the epicenter, the vertical component of the motion is greater than the horizontal component and the movement is said to be frightening. However, as we travel, the components of seismic waves are diluted and when we reach soft ground, such as those in Mexico City, the horizontal components are amplified and said The movement is swinging. “

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