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There is no risk of a tsunami for New Zealand after the 7.4-magnitude earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the Pacific Ocean

There is no risk of a tsunami for New Zealand after the 7.4-magnitude earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the Pacific Ocean


The morning after the tsunami warning occurred on May 19 in Ibara, in the far north. Photo/Ahiparadise Photography. Linux Godhu Wikitera

New Zealand’s Emergency Management Agency says there is no danger of a tsunami in the country after a major earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands.

Civil Defense had previously said that if a 7.4-magnitude earthquake generated a tsunami, it would not be due to reach New Zealand for at least one hour.

There is no threat of a tsunami for New Zealand after the M7.1 earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands. Based on current information, the initial assessment is that the earthquake is unlikely to have triggered a tsunami that would pose a threat to New Zealand.

– National Emergency Management Agency (NZcivildefence) May 20, 2023

It comes after the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) put several coastal areas in the far north on alert following an earthquake north of New Zealand.

The magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands just before 3pm yesterday, also causing a tsunami threat for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia.

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Nima warned that the first tsunami activity could reach New Zealand shores by 5pm, around the North Cape, saying it could bring unusual currents and unexpected surges.

Ahipara resident Lennox Goodhue-Wikitera said waves and booms began hitting his hometown in the evening. Video captured by Goodhue-Wikitera shows the moment the wave hit land, leaving a trail of debris in its wake.

National Advisor: Great Pacific Earthquake Assessment ⚠️

We are aware of a major earthquake that occurred in the Pacific Ocean. The National Emergency Management Agency and GNS are currently assessing whether there is any tsunami risk for New Zealand.

WREMO Duty Team

— Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (@WREMOinfo) May 20, 2023

Goodhue-Wikitera said: “I got really nervous about the crush, probably around 7.30pm when it started crashing on the footpath.”

“Then at 8.30pm there was a huge wave and it went all the way up and across the coastal road… 10m-15m inland.”

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“So there was a lot of debris on the road and the fire engine was wrecked – it was very scary.”

The morning after the tsunami warning occurred on May 19 in Ibara, in the far north. Photo/Ahiparadise Photography. Linux Godhu Wikitera

Fire and Emergency New Zealand said last night that they attended the scene after the big wave.

“We currently have one crew at Ahipara after reports of large waves and flooding on the road,” a spokesperson said at around 9pm.

Goodhue-Wikitera said their home is exposed, as it is across the road from the beach and next to a creek.

When it rains, the creek fills up and sometimes can flow onto the property, while swells from the shore can wash away and sometimes raise the water levels in the creek.

This means that Goodhue-Wikitera stayed up through an anxious night.

“I stayed up until midnight, just watching the water, and then the tide went out and out.”

The fire brigade had told them earlier that they could go to the paddocks if they needed to evacuate.

Goodhue-Wikitera said the waves that hit Ahipara last night were “much worse” than those after Hurricane Gabrielle earlier this year.

They said they didn’t know yet if any homes had been damaged but were about to go out for a walk this morning to see.

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Nima eventually lifted its beach-keep-and-water warning along most of New Zealand’s coast around 9.45pm yesterday.




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