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Revised Emergency Call: Turkey, Europe Region – Earthquakes (No. MDRTR004) (Release Date: 02/06/2023) – Turkey

Revised Emergency Call: Turkey, Europe Region – Earthquakes (No. MDRTR004) (Release Date: 02/06/2023) – Turkey



Slide number: EQ-2023-000015-TUR

Status overview

On February 6, 2023, at 04:17, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake occurred, followed by 83 aftershocks with a maximum magnitude of 6.7. At 13:24 on the same day, a second earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 occurred. The earthquakes severely affected 10 provinces of Kahramanmaras, Adana, Hatay, Gaziantep, Adiyaman, Diyarbakir, Malatya, Sanliurfa, Kilis and Osmaniye, where about 13.5 million people reside. Almost two weeks after the initial quake, a separate 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck the Dafne district, near the Syrian border in Hatay Province, on February 20. This was followed by a 5.8-magnitude earthquake the same evening in Samandağ district, Hatay, causing further devastation to the already hard-hit area. Since February 6, more than 24,000 tremors have been recorded in the region.

According to the Emergency and Disaster Management Authority (AFAD), as of April 5, 2023, 107,204 people have been reported injured and 50,339 have lost their lives in the aftermath of earthquakes. Nearly three million people have been displaced, including an estimated 528,146 government evacuees. More than half a million buildings sustained damage, of which at least 298,000 either collapsed or were severely damaged.

These represent some of the largest earthquakes to hit Turkey in the past century, and one of the deadliest disasters the country has experienced. The fact that the earthquakes occurred during the early hours of the day may have increased the number of casualties and loss of life.

The earthquakes hit areas affected since 2011 by the protracted humanitarian crisis linked to the civil war in Syria. Prior to the disaster, the affected area was already hosting approximately 1.8 million Syrian refugees, which, as of January 2023, represents 47% of all Syrian refugees in the country. This population lives in Turkey under the temporary protection regime, which allows them to reside and have access to social services. Tensions between refugees and host communities were running high before the earthquakes, and the past three years have seen a steady deterioration in social cohesion in the affected areas. The disaster has increased pressure on both refugees and host communities, straining limited capacities. The ongoing economic crisis is also cause for concern, especially considering that the earthquake-affected region already suffers from higher poverty rates than the coastal regions. The disaster affected critical infrastructure and led to massive losses in livelihoods: losses and damages to crops, food stocks, agricultural infrastructure, assets and livestock production are estimated at US$6.4 billion. Two months after the disaster, the combined effects of workplace destruction, disruption to economic activities, loss of life, injuries and internal displacement continue to severely undermine families’ ability to meet their basic needs.

As the largest humanitarian organization in the country and an assistant to the public authorities in the humanitarian field with wide reach to vulnerable communities, the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) continues to use its extensive assets in the country and its human resources, as well as relations between government and civil society, to respond to urgent needs and to effectively and effectively implement activities in All sectors, including disaster management, blood services, social services, and immigration services. At the same time, the TRC plays a leading role in the Nutrition Cluster Working Group and has been providing hot meals since the beginning of the response.

REVIEW OF THE EMERGENCY APPEAL Since 7 February 2023, when the initial IFRC Emergency Appeal was published, the situation in Turkey has evolved. During the first weeks of operation, the humanitarian needs were mostly related to search and rescue efforts, as well as the delivery of immediate life-saving assistance. Given the scale of the devastation, it was clear from the outset that relief and recovery efforts would be on a large scale and would require a significant investment and time to address the main drivers of the crisis. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) led a multi-sector rapid assessment (MIRA) with the participation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, all in-country UN entities and international NGOs. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies acted as enablers for this assessment, while supporting data collection, analysis and visualization. Subsequently, a recovery assessment and a plan to guide the TRC’s overall strategy for the next 24 months were completed. Based on the available assessments and analyses, four major areas of severe impact have emerged:

• Shelter, housing and settlements

• Food and livelihood

• Health, water, sanitation and hygiene

• Protection, gender and inclusion

The severity of needs is likely to continue to evolve, with more complexities and scenarios emerging depending on how recovery progresses in the medium to long term. Humanitarian conditions are expected to worsen due to: 1) inflation, financial/resource pressures, withdrawal of education, and 2) migration and rising tensions within the community. Based on projected assessments and needs, this Federation-wide Emergency Appeal has been increased to a total funding request of CHF 750 million, to effectively and coherently respond to ongoing, medium to long-term recovery needs on the ground.


More than 16 million people were affected by the earthquake, across 17 provinces, 9.1 million of them directly. Through this EA, the TRC aims to support approximately 1,250,000 people in affected areas, targeting families and individuals based on level of impact, pre-existing vulnerabilities, and any assessed gaps in humanitarian service coverage arising from the massive scope of needs. Persons targeted by the immediate response are concentrated in affected counties, relocated to temporary shelter arrangements, remain in homes where structural integrity assessments have determined an appropriate level of safety and security, or have been evacuated to immediate vicinity. Given the impact of the disaster on urban centres, particularly vulnerable groups such as the urban poor, additional attention will be given to people living in informal settlements and other people most at risk while the main focus will be on designing programs that strengthen the resilience of urban communities. In general, after the immediate phase of the collective relief effort in the shelter and nutrition areas, short-term targeting will prioritize families affected by the loss or injury of family members, loss of shelter and livelihoods, and/or those affected by internal displacement, and persons with existing vulnerabilities In advance, such as those with refugee status. Medium to long-term recovery programs will also take into account the indirect effects of the earthquake on economic and food insecurity, physical and mental well-being, and the ability of individuals to recover and deal with the above-mentioned impacts.

The main objectives include covering immediate shelter needs. food and livelihood; first aid and community health, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), blood supply mobilization; meeting basic needs through the distribution of relief items and the provision of multi-purpose cash; and ensuring protection and prevention services. Recovery efforts will depend on the TRC’s strong community and local presence. An in-depth recovery assessment, based on both primary data collection (focus group discussions, key informant interviews, household surveys) and review of secondary data, aided the development of a comprehensive recovery plan. The aim is to move people gradually from Path One (meeting evolving needs) to Path Two (enabling economic recovery) and from dependence on assistance to independence and self-sufficiency again. The aim is to restore and maintain resilient communities and individuals.




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