The European Union Deals with a Political Earthquake as Member States Move to the Right | world | News
In a stunning political shift, right-wing movements are taking hold across Europe, transforming the continent’s political landscape. From Sweden to Italy, from Finland to Greece, the rise of right-wing parties is shaking the very foundations of the European Union.
But the wave of change didn’t stop there, as Spain prepares for national elections in just a week’s time, followed by the Netherlands and even Germany may soon join the ranks of the right.
This massive shift has left experts and politicians scrambling to understand the dramatic rise of these populist factions and governments.
The consequences of this maritime political change are far-reaching, and some fear that the European Union, once seen as a bastion of liberal democracy, may be about to become too liberal for its citizens.
Ordinary people living within the EU’s borders make it plain: They want their politicians to prioritize their own needs, especially with inflation soaring and the cost of energy and food skyrocketing, according to an analysis by the Daily Mail.
But the rising tide of right-wing sentiment is not only fueled by economic concerns. Many Europeans point fingers at high immigration rates as the root cause of soaring crime, a crippling housing shortage, horrific terrorist attacks and what they see as a serious erosion of European culture.
Take Sweden, for example, a country known for its liberal values. The influx of migrants since 2015 has sparked a crime wave that has left Swedes reeling. On the once quiet streets of Stockholm, shootings have become alarmingly common, with seven gruesome incidents occurring in just one 24-hour period in the past month.
Lives were lost, including that of a 15-year-old boy, which prompted the government to consider declaring a national firearms emergency. Alarmingly, a recent analysis by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter revealed that 85 percent of those arrested, prosecuted and sentenced on firearms-related charges over the past five years were either born abroad or had parents from abroad.
Meanwhile, the impact of mass immigration in Germany caused serious social unrest. With a housing crisis looming and more than 700,000 homes expected to be in short supply by 2025, Germans are pointing the finger at immigration as the source of their problems.
Even more disturbing, right-wing politicians claim stateless newcomers were responsible for half of all gang rape sentences in Germany last year.
Earlier this month, in a landmark moment for German politics, a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party scored a historic victory as the country’s first-ever AfD mayor.
Hannes Loth, an agrarian and active municipal councilor, emerged victorious in Ragün-Jesnitz, Saxony-Anhalt, with 51.1 percent of the vote in the closely contested run-off, according to the municipality’s official announcement.
Reflecting on this unprecedented development, political analyst Dr Helena Ivanov told Express.co.uk: “It is clear that many voters across Europe, including Germany, are not happy with their current governments, and some of these voters see The far right is a suitable alternative to the status quo.
“The rise of the AfD is of course problematic, not only because of their political views, but also because the center and left political parties don’t seem to really engage with the electorate or offer solutions to the problems they identify.”
Dr. Ivanov further noted that left and center parties must take this situation seriously and develop substantive strategies to address voter grievances.
Failure to do so could risk Germany following in the footsteps of other European countries, where the far right has gained significant influence, or even joining the ruling coalition, as has been observed in Italy and Sweden.
The Henry Jackson Society Research Fellow added: “Going forward, I would argue that parties of the left and center need to take the situation seriously and come up with substantive ways to address voter grievances.
“Otherwise, they risk Germany becoming another party won by the far right and/or becoming part of the ruling coalition, as in Italy or Sweden.”
Sources 2/ https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1791412/eu-right-wing-member-states-italy-sweden-greece The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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