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Internal Investigation of Justice Department Antitrust Litigation Against Google


Google denies the lack of competition in advertising technology. A Google spokesperson said advertising technology is a crowded industry, and it competes and collaborates with thousands of companies in this space. “This competition offers great value and choice to publishers and advertisers. More SSPs and smaller publishers use four.

A Google spokesman said, “Independent research has shown that first-price auctions benefit most publishers, and this transparent auction process benefits publishers, advertisers, and users. There was positive feedback that reflected how helpful it was.”

In 2019, Google restructured its programmatic business and introduced a new payment model for publishers called average revenue sharing. Percentages may vary slightly, but according to Google’s analysis of the top 100 publishers last month, with Google Ads Manager, publishers maintain about 80% of their programmatic sales revenue. Google maintains an average of 20%.

According to executives, the Justice Department is investigating whether Google uses average revenue sharing agreements to have little or no effect on competing for impressions on publisher websites. If true, this means that the rival SSP cannot compete with Google for the price of each impression auctioned through Google’s own network. As the SSP fuels the business, the demand side and data management platforms are also affected.

Researchers are also investigating whether Google’s revenue-sharing techniques, combined with its tools and the unique demand from the search business, represent an unfair business advantage over its competitors.

“Big advantage”

When one publishing executive calculates it, Google will get more impressions as needed and manage the commission to beat the next highest bid to get a higher share of the winning percentage .. That’s a big advantage.

Keeping away from Google is a poor choice for publishers, as search giants often make up nearly 30% of digital advertising revenue.

Romain Job, chief strategy officer for Smart, a Paris-based ad delivery company, said, “Managing both major ad inventory sources and trading devices will have a significant impact on publisher revenue. I’m in a position.” “This is a huge advantage over other technology vendors, but above all, it limits publishers’ freedom of choice in their monetization efforts.”

In the expected lawsuit against Google in late July or August, the Justice Department said that given the average revenue sharing dynamics, rival advertising technology companies couldn’t compete with Google at all impression prices, and advertising technology The age of the ad claiming to own each important link in the ecosystem.

First and foremost, publishers want their regulators to do their jobs. From Google’s most aggressive data practices and all the advantages of the market. Before a solution exists, regulators must determine that Google’s practices are illegal, including consideration of data practices in competition analysis. In all cases, the solution should further strengthen competition for other parts of the market and participation in welfare.

It’s possible to point out that Google is not the only technology giant with its own demand. For example, Amazon is enhancing its profitable advertising business by offering its commerce. Facebook has 2 billion users. Advertisers can also purchase Google Search Ads through other platforms, including Adobe. The Trade Desk is also widely recognized as a formidable competitor to Google’s DSP. On the sell side, publishers can also fine-tune the details of how they sell their inventory through Google software, for example accepting low amounts when demand is very low.

Still, Google’s ad server, its ad exchange, and DSP are the largest in the industry. And the demand that search businesses bring to tables is unmatched.

According to Rahul Telang, a professor of information systems at Heinz at Carnegie Mellon University, the percentage of revenue Google collects each time an impression is displayed on the publisher’s page is unknown, but it is tracked in the process of discovery It’s data, something search giants want to avoid. College. He says Google may happily compromise and pay fines. But no one knows what the results will be.

Microsoft Antitrust Settlement

The most famous antitrust lawsuit involving technology companies countered Microsoft in 1998. Through its dominant position in the PC market, the Justice Department accused consumers of making it difficult to install competing browsers, including Netscape Navigator. A district court judge ruled against Microsoft in 2000, saying it would be divided into two parts. Microsoft filed an appeal in 2001 and settled with the Justice Department by further opening the platform.

Carnegie Mellon University professors agree that they are likely to point to Google’s strong competition, including strong companies such as Trade Desk, Amazon, and Facebook. Google says there is no way to abuse the monopoly, says Terran. They would say they have competitors, the prices of their ads have dropped, and they simply are very good at what they are doing.

In 2017, Google was fined $2.7 billion from the EU for violating the antitrust law through search, and in the following year, 2018, by illegally using the Android operating system and supporting its own app in the past A fine of up to $5 billion was fined. And in 2019, the EU fined Google $1.7 billion, bringing the sum of all three fines to $9 billion.

The lawsuits against companies indicate that it uses monopoly power to harm consumers and competitors, Terran said. The search results have a price of zero and consumers pay no money. But the reason is [Google] It controls the advertising space and is both a provider and a supplier, so you have control over the entire value chain.

“The question is, can the Department of Justice show the data that this is happening,” says Terran.

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