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Major lawmakers aim at Amazon


Latest Congressional Testimony by Washington, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Google CEOs (always local):


Leading House Representatives investigating the power of Big Techs are heading straight to Amazon.

Democratic Rep. David Cicilline told Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos at a Wednesday hearing that e-commerce giants are only interested in dominating the market and are fundamentally anti-competitive. I said.

Mr Sicilin said Congress must take action.

As chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Ciccilline seeks a possible new law to update the 100-year-old antitrust law. However, Republican Representative James Sensenbrenner rejects the idea that legislation is needed in parliament to show that the Democratic Party may be a difficult mission.

Bezos, along with CEOs of Apple, Facebook and Google, were answering legislators’ questions about company practices as the House of Representatives panel has overturned an annual survey of market dominance in the technology industry.



Amazon founder Jeff Bezos said he can’t guarantee that the company doesn’t have access to seller data to create competing products. This is a claim previously denied by the company and its executives.

His comment came on Wednesday during a parliamentary hearing on market domination of four tech giants Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple.

US and European regulators are scrutinizing the relationship with businesses that sell on Amazon’s site, and whether online shopping giants are using data from sellers to create their own private label products. I will.

Bezos responded to a question from Parliamentarian Pramila Jayapal, a Washington-based Democratic Party of Washington, against the use of vendor-specific data to support private label businesses. I will. However, we cannot guarantee that you will not violate that policy.

An April Wall Street Journal article cited an Amazon employee who said he could access seller data to create competing products, including a car trunk organizer that Amazon copied.

Bezos is aware of the article and said the complaint is still under investigation.

As he said, I’m still not happy that it reached the bottom.


3:30 pm

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is once again advocated at a parliamentary hearing on the role of social networks as a conduit for Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

House of Representatives Jamie Ruskin of the Democratic Party of Maryland updates the issue with concerns that right-wing groups are using Facebook to penetrate the Black Lives Matter movement and spread anti-Semitic propaganda. did.

Zuckerberg said Facebook uses sophisticated technology to intercept malicious statements, often before they were seen on the platform. He said it would hurt our business.

Zuckerberg’s comments came at a hearing that also featured Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, and Google CEO Sundar Pichai. The CEO is answering the company’s practice, as the House panel caps the investigation of market dominance in the industry year-round.


2:45 pm

Facebook’s internal documentation has been developed against CEO Mark Zuckerberg by lawmakers who claim that the company has ripped its rivals to overwhelm its competitors.

Democratic member of the House of Justice Committee, Rep. Gerold Nadler, told Zuckerberg at a hearing Wednesday that the documents he got from the company told him a very alarming story that Facebook had acquired Instagram messaging service. I said that.

He said the document showed Zuckerberg called Instagram a potentially threatening threat to Facebook.

Zuckerberg replied that it sees Facebook as a rival to Instagram and a complement to Facebook’s service, but also acknowledged that it competed with Facebook for photo sharing. Some critics of Facebook have asked the company to sell Instagram and its WhatsAPP messaging service.

The question was asked at a parliamentary hearing that also featured Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, and Google CEO Sundar Pichai.


2:30 pm

A chairman of a parliamentary committee investigating the power of major technology companies uses dominant search engines to steal ideas and information from other websites and manipulates the results to drive people to their digital services. And accused Google of boosting profits.

Rep. David Sicilin accused Google of CEO Thunder Pichai on allegations of malicious behavior while burning him Wednesday at a hearing on Wednesday. Video stream.

Pichai repeatedly evaded the Sicirine attack by asserting that Google seeks to provide the most useful and relevant information to the hundreds of millions of people who use search engines every day. He said this was part of an effort to keep them revisited, rather than dropping to rival services like Microsofts Bing.

Pichai struggled to answer one question as to whether Google threatened to dump Yelp from search engine databases after a restaurant review site instructed Google to stop scraping content sites. Yelp raised the question about 10 years before Pichai became CEO in 2015.

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