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Dakota Johnson reacts to her earthquake interview that went viral: 'We live in California' (Exclusive)

Dakota Johnson reacts to her earthquake interview that went viral: 'We live in California' (Exclusive)
Dakota Johnson reacts to her earthquake interview that went viral: 'We live in California' (Exclusive)


Dakota Johnson had the best reaction to going viral for her hilariously calm demeanor when the earthquake hit during her interview with ET on Friday.

Speaking with ET's Ash Crossan from the black carpet of the Madame Web premiere in Los Angeles on Monday, the 34-year-old actress took to the Internet, saying she had an irrational numb response to the 4.6 magnitude earthquake that shook much of Southern California.

“Well, I feel like we live in California,” Johnson told ET. “What are you going to do? Are you afraid of an earthquake?”

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During her interview on Friday, Johnson — whose parents are Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith — was in the middle of discussing her favorite parts of the new movie when the quake struck, though she seemed mostly unfazed.

“Scary,” she said during the original interview, which has since become an internet phenomenon.

She added on Monday that instead of doing what experts say should be done in an earthquake — including falling down and hiding — she and everyone else acted as if the earthquake wasn't very big.

“None of us did that,” she said of not following recommended procedures. “Nobody did that.”

Aside from her viral moment, the 50 Shades of Gray alum was more than happy to celebrate the premiere of Madame Web, which she said was her first big premiere since the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It's a lot of fun. It's really exciting,” she said. “It's fun to be, you know – I haven't had a premiere since coronavirus, so I think it's a decent one. Yeah, it's really fun and I can't believe there are people here, like it's crazy.”

The film follows a woven web of Marvel Comics characters and superheroes, all connected by Johnson's character, a clairvoyant who uses her powers to overcome a deadly opponent.

“I think this movie is more grounded in reality,” Johnson shared of the film's appeal. “It's more of a psychological thriller and it's — it's about a young woman whose superpower is in her mind and she kind of embraces these three other young women who have become really powerful.

“It's very inspiring and exhilarating and it's just a new kind of superhero movie,” she added.

Her character in the film — a paramedic named Cassie Webb who receives psychic powers after a near-death experience — also has some awkward moments of her own in her journey to becoming the powerful character she is in Marvel comic canon. The actress explained to ET that she enjoyed playing a female character that might not fit into a traditional box.

“I think that's really important, because I don't know that all women feel comfortable in this kind of typical, stereotypical feminine environment like dresses and high heels and kids and marriage — I don't think everyone feels that same way regarding those things,” she noted. “For Cassie to feel.” “Being uncomfortable and really trying to be respectful but failing I think is an appropriate situation.”

Madame Web also stars Celeste O'Connor, Sidney Sweeney, Isabella Merced and Adam Scott. The film premieres in theaters on February 14.

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