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Dakota Johnson reacts to the earthquake in the middle of the interview: Watch

Dakota Johnson reacts to the earthquake in the middle of the interview: Watch
Dakota Johnson reacts to the earthquake in the middle of the interview: Watch


Dakota Johnson's latest viral moment? Her response to the earthquake.

The Madame Web star — who previously went viral for her awkward interviews, sleeping habits, and love of lemons — is now making headlines for her reaction to the earthquake that struck Southern California last week.

While chatting with Entertainment Tonight in Los Angeles on Friday, the actress, 34, had the perfect Johnson way of responding to the 4.6 magnitude earthquake, which occurred midway through the interview.

In a clip shared by the outlet, an interviewer asked if the shaking they just experienced was an earthquake, and Johnson's jaw dropped slightly.

“Did you just do that?” Someone off-screen asks the actress, who quietly jokes: “Did you do that?”

Johnson, who seems unfazed, adds: “Do you like that we all just sat here? Breathtaking.”

Unsure of how to move forward after the seismic interruption, she jokes with the interviewer that they should “keep going, I guess.”

However, “there will be an aftershock,” the Fifty Shades alum points out matter-of-factly. “That was a big earthquake,” she says. “horrifying!”

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At the Los Angeles premiere of Madame Web on Monday, Johnson spoke with ET again, this time reflecting on the moment.

“Well, I feel like we live in California,” Johnson told the outlet on the red carpet. “What are you going to do? Are you afraid of an earthquake?”

She also noted that neither she nor her interviewers on Friday did what experts advise in the event of an earthquake, which is to go down and take cover.

“None of us did that. Nobody did that,” she said.

Dakota Johnson at the Los Angeles premiere of Madame Web.

Frederick J. Brown/AFP via Getty

While Johnson joked about being able to cause an earthquake in real life during her interview with ET, her character in Madame Web — Cassandra, also known as Madame Web herself — actually has supernatural powers.

Speaking about the film in an exclusive clip shared by PEOPLE, Johnson said, “This movie and this story take off [Cassandra] To discover her supernatural powers.

Her character is “a Manhattan paramedic who develops the ability to see the future and realizes that she can use this vision to change it,” according to the official synopsis.

“Forced to confront revelations about her past, she forms a relationship with three young women bound by powerful destinies—if they can all survive a deadly present.”

Madame Web, directed by SJ Clarkson and starring Sidney Sweeney, Mike Epps, Emma Roberts and Adam Scott, premieres in theaters on Wednesday, February 14.




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