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Taiwan hits biggest earthquake in 25 years: Why scientists weren't surprised

Taiwan hits biggest earthquake in 25 years: Why scientists weren't surprised
Taiwan hits biggest earthquake in 25 years: Why scientists weren't surprised


Scientists are warning that more shocks are likely after Taiwan was struck by the strongest earthquake to hit the island in 25 years, killing several people, leveling buildings and causing landslides. Geologists warn that the epicenter is located in a complex network of offshore faults, making aftershocks or even another earthquake possible.

The 7.4-magnitude quake struck under the ocean, 18 kilometers south of the city of Hualien on the east coast, just before 8 a.m. Wednesday morning local time, according to measurements collected by the US Geological Survey. Since then, dozens of aftershocks have rocked the island, including a 6.4-magnitude quake that struck nearly two hours after the main quake. “Everyone was shaken,” says Kuo-Fung Ma, a seismologist at National Central University in Taoyuan City, Taiwan.

The earthquake occurred at a relatively shallow depth of 35 kilometers, resulting in tremors stronger than those produced by earthquakes that erupt beneath the surface of the Earth. Authorities issued tsunami warnings in Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines, but later reduced them. A wave 30 centimeters high struck Yonaguni Island in southern Japan about 15 minutes after the earthquake. The effects of the earthquake were reported to be visible in parts of mainland China.

Taiwan's vulnerability to earthquakes is not surprising, given that it is located in one of the most seismically active regions in the world, says Megan Miller, a seismologist at the Australian National University in Canberra. The eastern coast of the island lies above two converging tectonic plates: the Philippine Sea and the Eurasian plate. Miller says many of the earthquakes that occur on the eastern side of Taiwan are due to the Philippine Sea plate sliding under the Eurasian plate.

The underwater location of the quake's epicenter provides clues about its mechanisms, says Yu Wang, a geologist at National Taiwan University in Taipei. The earthquake occurred on a reverse fault, which means that one piece of rock moved perpendicular to the other. “We think this is the cause of the current earthquake,” Wang says. He adds that the area where the earthquake occurred contains a complex network of faults, and that the recent rupture may have created a fault between 40 and 50 kilometers long.

Wang says Taiwan is expected to be rocked by dozens of aftershocks in the coming days. Miller adds that the strength of the earthquake has already caused landslides in mountainous areas, which could worsen with more tremors and make rescue efforts more difficult. In flat areas, aftershocks can also cause the ground to become soft and waterlogged, which can amplify seismic waves and cause further damage to vulnerable buildings. “There could be additional damage on top of what was already done in the first event,” Miller says.

There have been several earthquakes in Taiwan over the past century, and those with a magnitude of 7 typically occur about every 30 years, Ma says. One of the most devastating earthquakes to hit the island occurred in 1999, when a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the western side of the island. This led to the deaths of more than 2,400 people and the transformation of thousands of buildings into rubble.

But in the past two decades, Taiwan has intensified its efforts to reduce the impact of earthquakes, Ma says. The island has an early warning system that alerts cities and regions via a phone call a few seconds after an earthquake. She adds that many buildings have been modified to withstand strong earthquakes, and several seismic monitoring stations have been installed across the island to take measurements in real time. Ma and her colleagues are also developing sensors to measure vibration intensity inside buildings to help people identify their risks during an earthquake. “I think this will be the future,” she says.




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