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An eclipse, an earthquake, torrential rain – what's next for New Yorkers?

An eclipse, an earthquake, torrential rain – what's next for New Yorkers?


Even in the city that has seen it all, a sudden array of unusual events including a solar eclipse, earthquakes and torrential rains seem like too much.

Dagmara Chikura, 30, told the Daily News that in all the madness, she almost forgot that a solar eclipse would throw the city into darkness on Monday afternoon.

“I actually forgot about it,” the singer from Westchester County said with a laugh while hanging out in midtown Manhattan on Sunday night. “And all the crazy rain, too!” “I just turned 30 yesterday, so I feel like all of this is a signal to me telling me I have to grow up.”

Chicora said she plans to observe the eclipse in Harlem and hopes she can convince her husband to accompany.

I have tried to take a broad look at the strange events that have occurred in recent days.

“But the eclipse is actually a beautiful thing. It's nature. Rain is natural,” she said. “Maybe it's the climate?”

While New York City expects sunlight to wane in the afternoon, western and northern parts of the state will see the sun completely refracted by the moon starting around 3:15 p.m. Hopefully, eclipse watchers everywhere will experience this cosmic event while wearing glasses designed to block their eyes from seeing . It is harmed by the intense light that accompanies the eclipse.

Much of the state started the weekend with a bit of a rumble, thanks to a 4.8-magnitude earthquake and 30 aftershocks that followed. The US Geological Survey said 42 million people felt Friday's quake, which originated in central New Jersey, about 40 miles southwest of Manhattan.

Somewhere between the ground shaking and the sun disappearing, New Yorkers got wet. Central Park saw a total of 2.42 inches on Tuesday and Wednesday alone, according to the National Weather Service in New York. The service also issued a coastal flood watch for Manhattan, Brooklyn and Staten Island through Sunday evening, though only minor flooding occurred.

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Assessing the recent earthquake and upcoming eclipse, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said that America is sending “strong signals to tell us to repent.” (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Daryl Harrison from Brooklyn said the eclipse made him want to learn more about the spiritual relationship between the sun, moon and Earth during such events.

“I feel like 2024 is a massive year,” the 46-year-old told The News. “A lot has happened lately.”

He was thinking of spending Monday afternoon at the beach.

“I think our geography really shapes our identity,” Harrison said in lower Manhattan.

Souvenir shop employee Saber Ahmed plans to work on Canal Street when the eclipse occurs.

“I'm excited about it. It's amazing,” the 34-year-old from Queens, near his workplace, said Sunday.

He knew that the last total solar eclipse occurred in 1978, before he was born.

“I am happy with what is happening in my life,” Ahmed said. “I'll take a selfie.”

Bill Ingalls/NASA via AP

In this image made available by NASA, the International Space Station is silhouetted against the sun during a solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, as seen from Northern Cascades National Park in Washington state. (Bill Ingalls/NASA via AP)

Not surprisingly, conspiracist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene offered a suspicious take on the unusual confluence of events in New York City.

“God is sending America strong signals telling us to repent,” the bombastic Georgia Republican posted on X on Friday. “Earthquakes, eclipses and many more things to come. I pray our country listens.”

While no one expected an earthquake, spring rains are nothing new and Monday's eclipse was no surprise.




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