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Nepal Earthquake Anniversary: ​​A Journey from Recovery to Resilience

Nepal Earthquake Anniversary: ​​A Journey from Recovery to Resilience


New Delhi (India), April 25: On April 25, 2015, a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, with its epicenter in Gorkha district, northwest of the capital, Kathmandu. The disaster claimed the lives of nearly 9,000 people, injured tens of thousands, and destroyed entire villages and communities. The devastation was so widespread that it displaced millions and necessitated a massive international aid response.

In the years following the earthquake, affected communities showed incredible resilience and determination in restoring their lives and homes. This recovery has been significantly supported by several national and international cooperation projects, most notably the Gorkha Housing Reconstruction Project (GHRP). Funded by the Government of India and implemented with UNDP expertise, this initiative has played a pivotal role in helping families in Gorkha rebuild stronger, more resilient homes.

Understand the cause of the disaster

The 2015 Nepal earthquake, also known as the Gorkha earthquake, was primarily caused by thrust faulting on or near the main Himalayan frontal thrust, an area known for seismic activity. The geological instability in this region is due to the northward movement of the Indian plate against the Eurasian plate, which causes stress to build up over centuries, releasing it in catastrophic earthquakes. The tragic event in 2015 was a stark reminder of the fragility of the region and the need for improved construction practices and disaster preparedness.

Gorkha Housing Reconstruction Project: A Beacon of Hope

The Gorkha Housing Reconstruction Project officially commenced on 8 March 2018, after the Government of India partnered with UNDP to provide social and technical facilities to over 26,000 homeowners across Gorkha District. The project extends across two urban municipalities and six rural municipalities, focusing on rebuilding efforts in 42 districts. Assistance provided includes administrative assistance, on-site technical advice and capacity building for local homeowners and builders.

Technical support includes guidance on building technology, disaster-resistant features, and government standards, along with assistance with the design, drawing, and building permit process. In addition, the project encourages the use of appropriate disaster-resistant technologies to enhance the long-term sustainability and safety of homes.

Achievements and impact

Since its inception, the Global Humanitarian Response Plan has made significant progress. More than 24,000 families succeeded in building resilient homes with the help of the project. This includes designing legally compliant homes, obtaining necessary permits, and facilitating access to housing grants and resources. The initiative has placed a particular focus on inclusivity, ensuring that more than 2,500 vulnerable families receive the necessary support to build safe homes.

Furthermore, the project trained nearly 2,000 builders in affordable and flexible construction techniques, contributing significantly to local capacity building. The establishment of building permit studios has provided more than 3,000 homeowners with essential services, and the deployment of mobile technology trucks has demonstrated earthquake-safe construction practices throughout the region.

Social mobilization efforts were extensive, with cultural programs and more than 310 radio programs designed to educate and engage the community in reconstruction efforts. A striking example of local engagement is the deployment of Awas Nirman Satis – local construction workers trained to support reconstruction – who, along with engineers and social mobilization workers, made more than 244,000 house-to-house visits.

Highlighting STS Global

A key contributor to the project's success is STS Global, part of the owner-led reconstruction cooperative. STS Global played a key role in technical facilitation and community capacity building, ensuring that reconstruction efforts not only rebuild homes, but also strengthen resilience to future disasters.

He looks forward

The Gorkha Housing Reconstruction Project represents a major milestone in Nepal's ongoing journey from recovery to resilience. By focusing on sustainable rebuilding and community engagement, the project not only restores homes, but also fortifies the human spirit against the challenges of future disasters. As the project progresses, it remains a testament to the strength of collaborative efforts in the face of adversity, representing a beacon of hope and resilience for the people of Nepal.

(Disclaimer: The above press release comes to you under agreement with PNN and PTI has no editorial responsibility for it.) PTI PWRPWR




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