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Why is Hope Hicks crying?

Why is Hope Hicks crying?


Imagine a trial scene at the end of a Mob movie, with a wood-paneled courtroom and a white-haired judge. The old gentleman at the defense table, surrounded by skilled lawyers. Prosecutors who strive. Armed security. The sworn witnesses, one by one, insisted they remain faithful or become rats. That's pretty much what happened on the fifteenth floor of the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse in recent weeks, during the secret trial of former President Donald Trump.

On Friday, former White House adviser Hope Hicks took the stand. Hicks was involved with the Trump campaign from its early days; she was already on the team in 2015, when Trump took the escalator at Trump Tower to announce he was running for president, and she was still with him in 2021, when his supporters stormed the US Capitol in an attempt to keep him in power. But Hicks has since kept his distance. After his failed insurrection, Trump decamped for Florida. Hicks remained in Washington, where she runs her own communications consultancy. She was now testifying against Trump after being subpoenaed by the government. In news reports about the Trump administration, she has often been described as a sort of surrogate daughter of the president. According to other 2016 campaign aides, Hicks used to iron Trump's jackets and pants while he wore them. When she entered Judge Juan Merchan's courtroom, she could have passed for Ivanka Trump's sister: wildly styled hair, straight back, arms lowered at her sides, purse held loosely tip of the fingers. But when she sat on the witness stand, she didn't look in her former boss's direction. I'm really nervous, she said, immediately grabbing a glass of water placed in front of her by a clerk.

The government wanted Hicks to testify because she had conversations with Trump and Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, about Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels, women who say they had sex with Trump in the early years of his marriage to former First Lady Melania Trump. As a top communications aide, Hicks helped shape the official campaign and the White House's response to stories about McDougal and Daniels that appeared in the Wall Street Journal before and after Trump's election. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg believes Trump and his allies paid McDougal and Daniels in 2016 as part of an illegal plot to influence the presidential election. Braggs' office accused Trump of falsifying business records when he allegedly reimbursed Cohen for paying Daniels. Trump maintains his innocence and, in fact, has portrayed himself in many ways as the victim in this trial.

Several of the witnesses likely to testify have themselves been under investigation or have been convicted of crimes. But, in Hicks' case, neither side suggested they did anything wrong. She gave prosecutors exactly what they wanted when asked about Trump's reaction to a 2018 Wall Street Journal article about his relationship with Daniels, an adult film actress who says she and Trump had sex in 2006 in a top-floor suite at Harrahs Lake Tahoe. Mr. Trump's view was that it was better to deal with it now and that it would have been bad for this story to have been made public before the election, Hicks said. (Trump's lawyers suggested to the jury that the former president was primarily concerned about how news reports about alleged affairs would affect his wife; prosecutors argued that what really worried him was (election.) Hicks also admitted that she had texted Cohen about Daniels just days before Election Day 2016. Cohen told her that if necessary, he had a statement from Daniels denying everything. I didn't know what he was talking about and I didn't want to know, Hicks said.

But she didn't give prosecutors everything they were looking for. A few days ago, David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer, who bought the rights to McDougal's article on Trump in 2016 for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and who subsequently entered into a cooperation agreement with the government , said that in March 2018, after McDougal gave an interview to CNN's Anderson Cooper, he told Hicks and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about McDougal's secret contract. I explained to both of them why I was going to extend his deal, Pecker said. And both said they thought it was a good idea.

When the District Attorney's lead attorney, Matthew Colangelo, asked Hicks if she spoke to Pecker after McDougal spoke to CNN, her nervousness evaporated, revealing the veteran communications aide below. I have no recollection of speaking to Mr. Pecker after that interview, she said. Asked about Cohen, who also collaborated with the government and is expected to be the prosecution's star witness, Hicks took a photo. I used to say he liked to call himself Fix-It or Mr. Fix-It, and that was only because he broke it first, she said. For much of the time Hicks was testifying, Trump sat in his now-customary position at the defense table, slumped in his chair, eyes closed, seemingly semi-conscious. But when Hicks made that remark about Cohen, his mouth opened into a crooked little fatherly smile.

It was left to Emil Bove, one of Trump's lawyers, to cross-examine Hicks. Bove, a former federal terrorism prosecutor, has shown nothing but contempt for previous witnesses. The things I showed you this morning raise questions about how this phone was handled, don't they? he asked Douglas Daus, a forensic computer analyst with the district attorney's office who handled the cellphones Cohen had turned over, after questioning him Friday morning. In many ways, we're just going to have to take Michael Cohens word for it, right? But with Hicks, Bove was gentler. I think you said this morning that it operated a bit like a family business while you were there? he asked, at one point, referring to the Trump Organization. Hicks said yes. Bove also asked him about his early days there. Was your original title director of communications? He asked. She said yes. And that's a position that the Trump Organization created to fit you into, right? He asked. She said yes. And I think you said this morning that your focus was real estate, hospitality and entertainment, which was your portfolio there? he said. She turned her head to the side and looked down. Sorry, she said in a broken voice. A tissue appeared in her hand and she dabbed at her eyes. Can I just have a minute? she asked. The stenographer sitting a few feet from Hicks wrote (Crying) in the official record. Ms. Hicks, do you need a break? » asked Merchan. Yes, please, she said. Merchan excused the jury, then Hicks, his eyes red and swollen, got off the stand and left the courtroom, still avoiding Trump.




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