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Earthquake map showing the largest global tremors in 2024 so far

Earthquake map showing the largest global tremors in 2024 so far



Earthquakes occur several hundred times a day, every day, all over the world. But most of them have a magnitude of 2 or less, and they are rarely felt. Only noticeable earthquakes, usually magnitude 6 or higher, become devastating to populated areas.

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Newsweek has charted the largest earthquakes to have occurred around the world so far this year, with magnitudes of magnitude 6 or higher.

This includes the two largest earthquakes of the year, which occurred in Japan and Taiwan. Other earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater have occurred so far this year in the Philippines, Afghanistan, Tonga, Brazil, China, Vanuatu, Guatemala, Macquarie Island, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

The USGS classifies these earthquakes as “major,” which is determined by a combination of strength, the number of people who felt the quake, and the call alert levels that were triggered.

“The largest earthquakes this year were a magnitude 7.5 on January 1, 2024 on the Noto Peninsula in Japan, and a magnitude 7.4 on April 2, 2024, 16 kilometers south of Hualien City in Taiwan,” Jonathan Stewart, of the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, told Newsweek. “.

“These are two notable events, but the number of global events so far this year has been neither unusually large nor unusually small,” added Stewart, an expert in earthquake engineering.

The Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan caused widespread destruction, especially in the nearby Suzu, Wajima, Noto, and Anamizu regions. The 7.5-magnitude earthquake also caused damage to neighboring communities in Toyama and Niigata, killing about 245 people.

Stock photo showing a crack in the middle of the road after an earthquake. Newsweek has charted the major earthquakes that have occurred around the world so far this year. Stock photo showing a crack in the middle of the road after an earthquake. Newsweek has charted the major earthquakes that have occurred around the world so far this year. Steve Collender/Getty

Earthquakes in Japan are not rare, as it is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. It lies on top of four tectonic plates that rub together almost continuously. Although most of them are not felt, Japan experiences 1,500 earthquakes annually.

However, such huge objects are not reported very often. The Noto Peninsula earthquake was notable not only for its strength, but it triggered the country's first major tsunami warning since 2011.

The most recent Hualien earthquake occurred 18 kilometers southwest of Hualien City, Taiwan, with a magnitude of 7.4. This was the strongest earthquake Taiwan has experienced since 1999. At least 18 people were killed and more than 1,000 injured.

Stewart said there are multiple areas of research to focus on regarding earthquakes of this magnitude.

“Understanding the danger that earthquakes of this magnitude produce in terms of the strength of ground shaking and the factors that control it, the amount of permanent ground deformation caused by faulting and secondary effects such as liquefaction and landslides,” Stewart said. “Understanding how infrastructure responds to extreme loading resulting from such large events.”

Evaluating policies that can be put in place to promote “rapid recovery” of affected communities is also key, as is mitigating the effects of future earthquakes, Stewart said.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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