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Hot Italian holiday spot hits 150 small earthquakes in one day | The world | News

Hot Italian holiday spot hits 150 small earthquakes in one day |  The world |  News


The holiday spot of Campi Flegrei, near Naples, Italy, experienced a seismic swarm of 150 earthquakes in one day, causing great concern among residents.

The strongest earthquake, measuring 4.4, occurred at 8:10 p.m., after a previous earthquake measuring 3.5. This represents the strongest seismic activity in the region in the past 40 years.

As a result, 39 families living in buildings located between the towns of Pozzuoli and Baccoli were evacuated as a precaution due to the ongoing tremors and the resulting damage. Many local residents spent the night outside, fearing buildings would collapse, but returned to their homes as temperatures dropped at dawn.

“The first tremor took me by surprise,” Bacoli resident Lucila Ciano Di Cola told “I was working from home. At first I didn’t understand what was happening.

“The second earthquake was terrible. I expected it, but I did not expect its severity. I was alone in the house and I was very afraid. Everything was moving, this time even the floors. After the third earthquake, I packed my bags. Be prepared to escape. I did not sleep all night.”

The Vesuvius Observatory identified the epicenter of the strongest quake near Solvatara in Pozzuoli. The earthquake was felt in Bacoli, Monte di Procida, and various neighborhoods of Naples, including Fiorigrotta, Bagnoli, Socavo, Pianora, and the city center, causing widespread alarm.

“I didn't feel the first two quakes because I was in the port area of ​​the city. But I saw people running out of their homes and into the street,” Louisiana Rossolillo, a resident of Monte di Procida, told .

“During the third tremor, I was at home. Out of fear, I packed my bag with the necessary things, grabbed my dog ​​and ran into the street. A friend of mine slept in her car with her newborn baby just in case. We were all very scared.”

Since bradyism – a phenomenon in which the ground slowly rises and falls – resumed in the early 1980s, the latest 4.4 magnitude earthquake surpassed the previous record of 4.2 set on September 27, 2023. Both events shared a common characteristic: a depth of three kilometers. The epicenter of the earthquake is near the Solvatara volcanic area.

The major tremors included a magnitude 3.5 earthquake at 7.51 pm and a 4.4 magnitude earthquake at 8:10 pm, followed by less intense earthquakes at 9.31 pm (magnitude 2.4), 9:46 pm (magnitude 3.9), and 9. 55 pm (3.1 degrees).

“These are strong and frequent tremors. I understand your concerns. Therefore, I immediately called on the Municipal Operations Center to address any critical issues caused by the recent Bradyseismic tremors. I have decided to close all schools, public and private, in Bacoli as of Bacoli,” announced the mayor of Bacoli, José Gerardo della Ragione. On Facebook, it is a precautionary measure to conduct the necessary inspections.

Paradisi, described as “like the openness of the earth”, is no stranger to the residents of Pozzuoli and the wider Campi Flegrei area, which stretches from the coast to the Pianora, Socavo and Forigrutta neighborhoods of Naples.

The area sits atop a 12-kilometre-long caldera, extending six kilometers below the Gulf of Pozzuoli and another six kilometers underground. Unlike the cone shape of Vesuvius, this ancient volcano formed tens of thousands of years ago.

The region experienced periods of slowdown, particularly between 1970 and 1972, and again from 1982 to 1984, causing significant land appreciation. In 1970, due to increasing instability, the Rioni Terra area was evacuated.

A few days ago, an emergency plan had been drawn up: Plan A involved evacuating the lower part of Pozzuoli, while Plan B involved evacuating the entire city. Bradyseism has always been accompanied by seismic swarms of varying intensity. Since 2005, the region has entered a new phase of slowdown, known as the bullish slowdown.




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