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Paul Evans attends Oregon's largest coastal earthquake preparedness exercise | News

Paul Evans attends Oregon's largest coastal earthquake preparedness exercise |  News


State Representative Paul Evans (D-Monmouth) attended Oregon's largest coastal earthquake preparedness exercise on May 15.

Made possible by critical funding allocated using funding in the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) budget during the 2021-2023 biennium budget (SB 5529), ODHS's Office of Resilience and Emergency Management (OREM) conducted an emergency preparedness exercise at Newport Airport The municipality, which will serve as an essential evacuation assembly point (EAP) for two weeks in the event of an emergency.

EAP in Newport is second on the Oregon Coast. The first is located at Tillamook Municipal Airport and OREM is working on a third EAP on the southern Oregon coast.

“Let’s be clear: The Cascadia earthquake will likely be the most powerful natural disaster in modern U.S. history, and we must be bold in our efforts to build a strategic vision for resiliency in Oregon,” Evans said. “The Cascadia earthquake will be a significant event that will change our state and our communities forever. I will work alongside Representative Gomberg and all of our colleagues in the coming months to improve our capabilities to respond and recover from the disaster we know is headed our way. I am grateful to OREM for taking the lead on this exercise With our local, regional, state and federal partners.

OREM, as the lead government agency for collective care (e.g., shelter, food, water), organized EAP programs with supplies in coastal communities like Newport because these communities would be isolated from responders in the immediate aftermath of the Cascadia earthquake. These exercises teach community leaders how to prepare an EAP in an emergency.

Last month, OREM delivered two Conex containers — heavy metal storage containers and shipping containers — to store EAP equipment at the northeast corner of Newport Municipal Airport. Hosted by Oregon Coast Community College, partner agencies have met several times since then to plan the exercise and familiarize themselves with the equipment.

This EAP is designed for temporary use to triage and provide shelter to individuals who will need to evacuate off the coast to receive additional assistance or return to their homes in other parts of the state. Over the course of the two-day event, there will be demonstrations, preparedness activities and overnight shelters available.

This is the second EAP OREM aircraft delivered to the Coast, the first being at Tillamook Airport. The agency plans to establish a third EAP on the South Coast this summer. OREM delivers equipment to local responders and conducts initial training, leaving the EAP in the hands of those who will face the direct consequences of the disaster.

“Coastal communities like Lincoln County were prioritized to house these Conex boxes because data shows they would likely have been isolated from the rest of the state during the Cascadia earthquake,” OREM Director Ed Fleck said. “ODHS has primary responsibility for mass care and shelter following disasters, so helping communities access critical supplies that can quickly be used to serve their local community is important to us.”

The demonstrations included the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, “drones,” operated by the Scappoose Fire Aviation Unit, a Life Flight rescue helicopter, and a Newport Air Force Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin rescue helicopter.




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