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New Jersey is hit by another earthquake – New Jersey Top News

New Jersey is hit by another earthquake – New Jersey Top News


Here are the top news stories in New Jersey for Friday:

Jonathan Holloway

Rutgers University President Jonathan Holloway testifies during a House Education and Workforce Committee hearing regarding pro-Palestinian protests on campus on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Maryam Zohaib)

WASHINGTON — The presidents of Northwestern and Rutgers University defended their decisions to end pro-Palestinian encampments through negotiations rather than using police force, telling a House committee on Thursday that they had defused the danger without ceding ground to protesters.

The committee's investigation has expanded to include large public universities, such as UCLA and Rutgers, after previous hearings focused largely on private Ivy League colleges.

“We made a choice — that choice was to engage our students through dialogue as the first option rather than policing,” Holloway said. “We saw what happened at other universities and looked for a different way.”

Barnegat Beach Light Badges

The image was uploaded by Reddit user aqua_vit

In towns along the Jersey Shore, lifeguards are arriving at beaches starting Memorial Day weekend. The weekend is also when cities start charging people to step on their sand.

Municipalities along the Jersey Shore have posted their prices for access badges to their beaches in 2024.

And if you plan to visit the same beach multiple times this summer, you can save some money by purchasing a seasonal badge.

Illustration from Canva/Townsquare Media

Illustration from Canva/Townsquare Media

A growing number of coastal towns in New Jersey have banned tents and umbrellas on the beach.

North Wildwood and Toms River were among the first cities to impose bans. In many cases, the blockage is due to beach shrinkage.

Extreme beach erosion has reduced the length of the beach, and cities still want to be able to accommodate as many sun worshipers as possible.

Media illustration from Canva/USGS/Townsquare

Media illustration from Canva/USGS/Townsquare

The USGS reported a 2.9 magnitude earthquake west of Gladstone Thursday night around 10:50 p.m.

Reports indicate that the quake was felt throughout Hunterdon, Somerset and Morris counties but also as far south as Middlesex and north into Sussex.

It does not appear to be an aftershock from the April earthquake in the same area.

A screen at Penn Station in New York shows delays on 5/23/24

Screen at New York's Penn Station showing delays for 5/23/24 (listener submitted)

NJ Transit riders had a better commute Thursday morning after the complete suspension of service on the Northeast Corridor and North Jersey Coast Line on Wednesday, but that wasn't good enough for Gov. Phil Murphy, who criticized Amtrak on his social media.

Amtrak, which maintains the Northeast Corridor, said it restored power on one track between New York and Newark late Wednesday night allowing for “minimal travel” after repairing fallen overhead wires in Kearney.

UPDATED: Memorial Day Parades in New Jersey 2024 (alphabetically)

New Jersey remembers those who made the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day through parades, solemn services, reenactments and fairs. Most events take place on Monday 27 May unless otherwise noted and are subject to change without notice here.

Gallery source: Dan Alexander

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10 reasons that might make you rethink that visit…

Gallery Source: Mike Brant – Townsquare Media

Why Jersey Shore locals should embrace Beanie and Shopie in New Jersey

Five reasons why Jersey Shore wouldn't be the same without her.

Gallery source: Mike Brant

Start your day with the latest news, traffic and weather in the Garden State.

New Jersey's First News with Eric Scott is New Jersey's longest running news program. Eric Scott began hosting the show in 1991.

It airs live on New Jersey 101.5 every weekday morning from 5:30-6 a.m.

New Jersey's First News with Eric Scott won the prestigious National Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Newscast.

Distinguished National Morrow Award Winner

Eric Scott is the Senior Political Director and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at [email protected]

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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