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Duke’s basketball uses a strange earthquake as a cruel reminder of heel tar


Duke Basketball Win 2020 at UNC (Photo by Streeter Lecka / Getty Images)

No wonder Duke basketball puts opponents to shame in the social media game.

At around 8 a.m. on Sunday, North Carolina experienced its strongest earthquake since 1926, according to the North Carolina Geological Survey. The 5.1 Richter scale reading scene may have been a reminder of Duke basketball’s official Twitter account of the “probability of winning over time” chart of the last minutes of organization and overtime the last time Blue Devils visited Chapel Hill.

Or maybe the creative minds running the account felt their ground shivering, which will naturally bring to mind the explosion that followed the 98-96 Overtime win at UNC. After all, despite the strange seismic event occurring 150 miles from Durham in Sparta, North Carolina, many people around the triangle have reported vibrations, which were undoubtedly the case for up and down the tobacco route back on February 8th (and from Strangely enough, these two events came within nine hours, exactly six months later.)

Whatever prompted the tweet below, it’s a welcome reminder to Duke fans that any random reason should suffice when it comes to finding another reason to remember the # 1 spotlight of the 2019-20 college hoops season:

This ridiculously clever entertainment explains why Blue Devils dominate social media. According to SkullSparks, which collects July interactions via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for official accounts of each program, Duke ranks first with 1.17 million while UNC ranks second with 507k; Rounding off the top five are Michigan (484,000), Kentucky (478,000) and Kansas (300,000).

The most memorable achievement for the Duke basketball team who competed 25-6 last season

Return to Quake game. As if any Dukie or UNC fan needs a reminder of what happened, humble Tar Heels (10-13 at the time) led this year’s first “Battle of the Blues” meeting starting at 18:32 in the first halfway until Tre Jones equalizer shot in the bell in the second half. In fact, they advanced 13 points in less than 4 time, 12 points with three minutes to play, nine with two to play, seven with 70 seconds left, and four with 17 points remaining.

Also read: The problem Trey Jones is trying to replicate

Jones’ magic that happened next is too sweet for words. The same goes for undo winner Wendell Moore at the bell in extra time after Blue Devils trailed by five points with 17 marks remaining this time. Plus, instead of explaining all the miracle sequences, we should rekindle them through this colorful creation by the Duke basketball team on social media (5:30 is the timestamp below for this lovely aftershock “tip”):

One note in Duke’s tweet, however, is that comparing W to a 5.1-magnitude earthquake is a bit disrespectful to Jones, Moore, and others responsible for Dean Dome’s bewildering devastation. Yes, even aftershock still looks like 10.0 to us near the fault line.

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