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A minor earthquake shakes the state of Greater Victoria, without causing damage.

A minor earthquake shakes the state of Greater Victoria, without causing damage.
A minor earthquake shakes the state of Greater Victoria, without causing damage.


It shook Greater Victoria and Vancouver early Thursday

An early morning earthquake shook Greater Victoria and its surrounding areas, causing panic among residents. The quake occurred shortly after 4 a.m., and was centered near Sydney and Darcy Islands, east of the Saanich Peninsula and about 11 kilometers from Sydney. According to the US Geological Survey, the initial report indicated that the magnitude of the earthquake was 4.1, and it was later revised to 4.0. However, Earthquake Canada recorded a 3.8 magnitude tremor.

The depth of the earthquake prevents serious damage

Although the earthquake was widely felt throughout Victoria, Vancouver Island and even parts of Vancouver, no major damage was reported. The Canadian Earthquake Authority confirmed that the depth of the earthquake was about 55 kilometres, which played a decisive role in mitigating its impact. John Cassidy, a seismologist with Environment Canada, said deep earthquakes like this one are common in the region and tend to cause less superficial damage.

“Even those close to the epicenter were still 55 kilometers away because of the depth of the quake,” Cassidy said.

Difference in reporting between USGS and Earthquakes in Canada

Residents often notice slight differences in Canada and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake magnitude readings. Cassidy explained that this is due to the raw data being updated frequently. Canada's reports are usually more accurate regarding local earthquakes because they include more regional data.

Residents reported the earthquake hit Vancouver Island and beyond

Hundreds of residents across Greater Victoria, Duncan and Lake Cowichan, and even as far away as Vancouver and Washington state, reported feeling the quake. In Ross Bay, Karen Hidetniemi described how her dog woke her moments before the quake struck. “One minute later, an earthquake shook all the wardrobe handles,” she shared on X.

Others like Victoria author Jan Paetkow felt the tremor in James Bay, where they reported a “major shaking” at 4am, while Fairfield resident Joy Warnock witnessed her apartment sway.

Reminder to stay prepared in earthquake zones

Although this Victoria earthquake did not cause any damage, it serves as a reminder of the region's vulnerability to larger earthquakes. Cassidy pointed out that if the strength of Thursday's earthquake had been between 6.8 and 7 degrees, as we have seen in Washington state in past decades, the tremor could have been a thousand times stronger.

“The earthquake is a reminder that we live in a seismic zone,” Cassidy added. “We see small earthquakes every day, and larger ones occur every decade.”

There are no alerts from the Canadian Early Warning System

Thursday's quake did not trigger Canada's earthquake early warning system, which only activates for tremors of magnitude 5.0 or higher. The system detects earthquakes as they occur and can provide a crucial few seconds of warning before strong tremors begin. Alerts are sent via the National Public Alert System and appear on television, radio and compatible cell phones.

Prepare for a big BC shakeup

This minor earthquake comes just three weeks before the Great BC ShakeOut event, scheduled for October 17 at 10:17 a.m. The annual training encourages everyone in Vancouver, Victoria and across British Columbia to “Low, Cover and Hold” and practice proper safety. Measures in case of a larger earthquake.

British Columbia's Earthquake Preparedness Guide suggests staying in bed during an earthquake and using a pillow or blanket to protect your head if you're in bed. Most injuries occur when people try to run for cover.

For more detailed information about earthquake preparedness, the Capital Regional District and many local governments provide resources to help residents stay safe in the event of a larger earthquake.

A safe but important wake-up call for Vancouver Island

Although Thursday's Victoria earthquake was minor, widespread reports of tremors are reminding everyone on Vancouver Island and British Columbia to remain vigilant and prepared. Fortunately, no damage was reported, but this minor tremor is a clear indication that residents live in an area prone to seismic activity. With the Great BC ShakeOut approaching, this is an excellent time to review safety plans and ensure homes are safe.


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