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Growing concern with yesterday's 5.0 magnitude earthquake off the Oregon coast near the Cascadian subduction zone

Growing concern with yesterday's 5.0 magnitude earthquake off the Oregon coast near the Cascadian subduction zone


At approximately 5:58 p.m., Pacific Time yesterday, October 17, a 5.0 magnitude earthquake (6 miles deep) struck off the Oregon coast, 77 miles west of Coos Bay. After a nearby 2.4 magnitude earthquake earlier that morning in the Cascadia fold off the coast. Minor tremors could be felt on the mainland, but nothing that would cause concern in areas like Eugene or Portland.

What is worrying seismologists and scientists are the locations of the magnitude 2.4 and especially 5.0 earthquakes that struck yesterday: the location of the larger earthquake that occurred near the Cascadian subduction zone.

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With the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii at greatest risk, some cities are more vulnerable due to population density and infrastructure.

Cascadian Subduction Zone: Strong earthquake will destroy the coast

US Highway 101 and the Oceanic Sea stacks near the town of Gold Beach on the Oregon coast

The 700-mile-long fragile fault line runs north-south along the Pacific coast from northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino, California. Leading seismologists and scientists have predicted that if an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 or higher strikes the Cascadian Subduction Zone, it will be catastrophic for the entire coast.

According to Oregon State's website, there is a high probability that a 9.0 magnitude earthquake will hit Oregon, due to the collapse of the Cascadian subduction zone. If that happens, Oregon warned that a tsunami of about 100 feet high would hit the coastal area, “with an estimated 5 to 7 minutes of shaking and rolling along the coast.”

Additional estimates indicate that a tsunami will hit Washington state in less than 10 minutes after the earthquake. Oregon State, which separates the Juan de Fuca and North American plates, adds that an earthquake of significant magnitude has not come from the Cascadian subduction zone since 1700. However, pressure between the two plates has been building recently.

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A device to measure the intensity of earthquakes

Scientists suggest there is a 37% chance that a “big meteorite” will hit the Cascadian subduction zone within the next 50 years. However, Oregon has implemented a “Be Prepared for Two Weeks” plan for its residents, as it is estimated to be cut off from surrounding areas not affected by the earthquake, meaning it is cut off from emergency services and aid for its residents. At least two weeks, maybe longer.

Smaller earthquakes were also detected in the same vicinity for several days leading up to the magnitude 2.4, and subsequently the magnitude 5.0, earthquake yesterday. At just 6 miles deep, this magnitude 5.0 quake was registered as a “shallow earthquake,” which causes more damage than earthquakes that emit energy much deeper below the Earth’s surface.




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