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Scientists plan to predict earthquakes and volcanic eruptions by tracking g

Scientists plan to predict earthquakes and volcanic eruptions by tracking g


After deciding to end cooperation with Russia due to logistical challenges following the invasion of Ukraine, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior led by Martin Wikelski are set to launch their own satellites as part of the Icarus monitoring project. Animal behavior from space, according to The Guardian. “After the invasion of Ukraine we decided to stop this cooperation,” Wikelski said, which led to the necessity of building a new satellite from scratch for the Icarus project.

The Icarus CubeSat, expected to launch in 2025, will enable the team to begin studying animal movements on a global scale. “We hope to launch a fleet of about six satellites and create a global monitoring network that will not only provide details about wildlife movements and animal health across the planet, but will also reveal how creatures react to natural phenomena such as earthquakes,” Wikelski said. CNN Greece. Researchers have enrolled thousands of animals in a program that uses microscopic transmitters attached to mammals, birds and insects to monitor their movements from a space satellite, according to The Guardian.

The Icarus program was made possible by a revolution in tagging technology, which includes tiny digital transmitters that use small lithium batteries and cheap and plentiful miniature GPS devices that allow the creation of tags weighing just a few grams, as The Guardian reported. “This will provide us with a huge amount of data about how animals behave,” Wikelski added.

Understanding how organisms react to geological changes is one area of ​​interest in the tagging technology revolution. The main idea of ​​the program is to explore the ability of animals to predict natural events, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, while also studying their responses to impending natural events. Previous studies indicated that animals may have the ability to predict natural disasters. For example, in experiments conducted in Sicily on the slopes of Mount Etna, sensors showed that goats became stressed before an eruption and refused to move to higher pastures where they could happily go under normal conditions. “We found that goat behavior is very good at predicting large volcanic eruptions,” Wikelski said.

Additionally, in the mountains of Abruzzo in Italy, dogs and other animals have shown the ability to predict seven out of eight major earthquakes over a twelve-year period. The researchers monitored dogs, sheep and other farm animals in the area and found similar predictive behaviors, according to The Guardian. Observing strange animal behavior before natural disasters has been known for centuries. The Guardian cites Thucydides' accounts of mice and dogs abandoning Helles in 373 BC, before the earthquake.

The planned satellite launch was reported by The Guardian, The Independent and CNN, among other media outlets.

This article was written in collaboration with AI company Alchemiq




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