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Costa Rica prepares second national earthquake evacuation training


(MENAFN – Costa Rica News)

Costa Rica is preparing for the second national earthquake evacuation exercise, but this time it will be in default mode, with social bubbles remaining in their homes, in compliance with safety requirements issued by the Ministry of Health. This was announced last Wednesday by the president of the National Committee for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention (CNE), Alexandre Solis Delgado.

Solis Delgado pointed out that, “ This year, the epidemic presented us with a new challenge, to prepare for an earthquake in times of major health crises, so it was decided to postpone the exercise to October 13, in the framework of the World Day of Disasters. Risk reduction 2020.

Bearing in mind that the current situation of the country requires us to adapt and take new measures, it is important for different sectors to participate, especially the community and family sector, because the epidemic forces us to change even the way Solis said that evacuation at a time when self-protection and divergence are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID- 19.

How should residents prepare to respond to an earthquake in the midst of a pandemic?

The microsite will provide practical measures so that the earthquake does not surprise you. The first thing is that it encourages the creation of the contingency plan with a series of very simple but effective steps.

Interactive tools are available to create your own emergency plan, define evacuation routes, fill your emergency bag with additional supplies like alcohol and a mask, and evacuate to a safe area for shelter after an earthquake.

Why is it important to prepare for an earthquake in times of a pandemic?

Costa Rica is a highly earthquake country, which is why it is imperative to conduct exercises that improve or enhance response capabilities to protect human life during a true emergency.

The training and knowledge of workplace emergency teams has also been adapted so that they can direct office-based officials who implement their procedures through remote work.

How can I participate?

To participate in the simulation, people must go to the microsite In it, you will find a participation form to join this initiative by completing the basic information.

Also, the microsite has educational tools so people can get in and participate in this exercise which culminates on roughly the day participation in the exercise will be reported, which is Tuesday, October 13th.

Some of these materials include videos of experts explaining why we are a seismic country. Besides, it contains instructions on how to create an emergency plan, how to determine evacuation methods, and how to prepare an emergency bag that includes masks and gel alcohol.

On October 13, 2020, Social Bubbles will be able to report their earthquake evacuation exercise in default mode at 10 am. To this end, an app will be provided, where a (almost) large-scale earthquake will be activated and social bubbles will be able to test the seven steps of the contingency plan, which includes an emergency kit, evacuation routes, and a meeting point.

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