4.4 shock, slight damage and one wound

An earthquake of 4.4 with the Epicalter Center was recorded at Pozzuoli at night by the Institute of Geophysics and Barakin. The earthquake, which represented the beginning of a new swarm, took place at 1:25. It is the most violent earthquake in the past forty years, equally with the size recorded last year on May 20.
The earthquake was not only in the area but all over the Napoli region, there is a lot of fear and checks ongoing. In Bagnoli, the earthquake caused the collapse of the earth, a woman was alive from the rubble. As the Ministry of Fire mentioned on X, the woman is not in a serious condition and is still verifying the stability of buildings.
“We have been collected to manage emergency management. For the time time, there are no reports on the damage or the injured in the Pozzuoli area. We create waiting areas in Lungomare Pertini and Largo Del Ricordo (Palazzine), in Orban Park of the vecchia Vigne (C9) in Agenoo Pisciarelli.
Hundreds of people on the streets poured many calls to emergency numbers. The Ministry of Civil Protection has activated the crisis unit with regard to the local structures of the National Civil Protection Service. Waiting areas are created for citizens, as expected by municipal plans. Residents felt trembling, and the initial checks have so far reported slight damage and a person with injuries caused by the collapse of the wrong ceiling.
Prime Minister, Georgia Meloni, has developed the situation after the strong earthquake that struck the Camp Fleeji area tonight. This was reported in a note from Palazzo Chigi. President Meloni remains in close contact with the Ministry of Fario Mantophano, with the Minister of Civil Protection, Nilo Mousomi, and the head of the Ministry of Civil Protection, Fabio Ceciliano.
Reception areas have been prepared
The emergency plan for the risks of the radian, which is different from the risk of volcanic emergency. “” The movement of people who want to leave their homes is perceived to the reception areas, which we instantly created “instead” “is evacuated inside the volcanic plane, but we are now outside this situation.” Fabio Ciseiliano, head of the Civil Protection Department, said to “RainEws24”. Decreased in the city of Naples, but the shock felt all over the region – clearer -. During the night, I contacted the Crisis Unit to take vital measures immediately with Naples and regional civil protection, to monitor, for beginners, for delays in the field of studies. Pozzzuoli municipality is closed and in the municipality of Agnano and Bagnoli today.
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