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Strong earthquake 4.1 cute whatever size: stronger in 20 years

Strong earthquake 4.1 cute whatever size: stronger in 20 years



The population is the buildings that vibrate. This was the most powerful earthquake in 20 years in the region and followed by others

Many tremors were felt last night Dimtry Rukhlenko / Shutterstock

The beautiful areas and areas surrounding a series of earthquakes and tremors shook last night. The population was to the vibration of buildings and the transportation of furniture.

The first tremor, with a size of 4.1, felt in 18.45, with at least 15 others to be felt before the final earthquake (3.8 on the scale) at about 22:45.

This is the most powerful earthquake that has seen the region in 20 years, as geologist Christophe Laruck said.

Other earthquakes were more modern, but their vehicles that were in the Mediterranean and caused a lower effect on the mainland.

Last night, some tremors were strong enough to shake the houses and many residents felt the earthquake under it.

No serious brown damage or injuries have been reported, but emergency services have faced many explanations during the evening of the relevant population.

The authorities advised the residents that more small tremors may be felt, but this is normal after a larger earthquake. There is no risk of tsunami.

They ask people to refrain from contacting emergency services so that the phone lines are not satisfied.

The seismic version was feeling a few minutes ago in different places in the section. I realize that he could be born …

-Préfet des alpes-Samitimes (@Prefet06) March 18, 2025 “I thought Putin was attacking”

The tremors felt along the southeastern coast, from the VAR section to the Italian border, however, I felt the strongest in the back country. The main earthquake center is among the mountain societies of Contes and Coaraze.

The reaction of the population with fear and some humor was.

“There were two tremors,” said local media, Nice Matin.

“Initially I thought Vladimir [Putin, Russian leader] “He was attacking but no,” said one of the residents of Contez.

“Not strong [as I expected]Although the furniture had moved, “he added, noting that he had contacted family members to find out if they were affected, and some of them also felt in Nice with their homes.

“Suddenly, I shook hands with everything. I was in the corridor, walking along. The walls, the factory and the furniture in the move … I was afraid that the building would collapse, it was crazy, I was afraid,” a Nice resident in Simiz Province told the local media.

In Cagnes-Sur-MER, the residents believed that there was an “explosion” with tremors that last “about 20 seconds.”

Many people have posted on social media about the earthquake.

A very large earthquake hair a few minutes north of Nice. The first time I feel this strength.

Hoping of no harm …

– Exar Kun / Ten Tempests / Frédéric de Foy (tutenampests) March 18, 2025

This is the first time that such an earthquake has been held in the region, at this stage. Impressive … it's really creeping. #nice06 #antibes

– CT (Costasud_) March 18, 2025

Another jokingly said on social media: “It is a beautiful day to know that I did not pay my earthquake's insurance,” he said jokingly on social media.

Common earthquakes in France: What do you do

Seismological is relatively common in France, with thousands of tremors registered every year.

However, it is usually not strong enough for people to feel and less likely to cause structural damage or great injury.

The mountainous areas in the south and the east, as well as parts of Bretani, are the most vulnerable to earthquakes.

Read more: Map: What are the regions of France most at risk of earthquakes?

If you feel tremors during the earthquake, the best thing you can do is get a table or between two walls that carry the load to stay safe, and avoid going out or near any areas that may fall on you.

This includes going near the electricity poles.

If you are driving, you should stop your car but stay inside the car.

In the following days, you should check your property for the appearance of structural damage, such as cracks.




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