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Match inspection: Charlotte FC VS. San Jose Harkquakes | March 22, 2025

Match inspection: Charlotte FC VS. San Jose Harkquakes | March 22, 2025



Charlotte FC vs. San Jose, inspect the earthquake match

Charlotte FC is still at home where the Western Conference team, San Jose Oarmquakes. On Saturday's match will celebrate the first time that these teams meet normal play in the season. San Jose has looked strong so far this season and have statistics to support them. CLTFC will have to be disciplined in the back, with no room for any of the two teams in this match.

Here is everything you need to know before Saturday's match.

Match: Charlotte FC Vs San Jose Harmes

Where: Bank of America, Charlotte, North Carolina

Watch: MLS Season Pass on Apple TV – how to watch and listen

Listen: WFNZ 92.7 FM (English) and WOLS 106.1 FM (Spanish)

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Despite the loss of striker Joseph Martinez due to the international “break”, the San Jose attack is still a great danger to the crown. San Jose, sits in sixth place at the Western Conference, with six points in four games. Seismology is associated with the third in the goals in all teams, which is the first in score attempts, the first states in the score attempts in the target, and the second in footage on the goal.

San Jose's dynamic attack, their major? Get large numbers in the box when the attack. The majority of their seven goals so far this season came from passes and football in their opponent's box.

Eastern conference schedule:

Inter Miaami CF – 10 Points, 4 GP Philadelphia Union – 9 Points, 4 GP Columbus Crew – 8POINTS, 4 GP Charlotte FC – 7 POINTS, 4 GP Nashville SC – 7 POINTS, 4 GP Chicago Fire – 7 Points, 4 GP

Western conference schedule:

Vancouver FC – 12 Points, 4 GP San Diego FC – 8 points, 4 GP St. Louis City – 8 points, 4 GP Colorado Rapids – 8 points, 4 GP Minnesota United – 7 points, 4 GP San Jos

For full direct table, click here.

Discipline and consistency; Saturday night negotiating

The crown will look forward to keeping their momentum at home. They are still not defeated in the past five home matches, as well as two consecutive wins at home. Charlotte FC has already proven its defensive power this season, facing some of the best teams in the league and got seven respectable points in only four games. They are the little things that give you far, and San Jose will not be an exception, the CLTFC should be ready from the start of the match and remain disciplined in the entire match.

Charlotte's international break leaves some of the main players, Patrick Ajmang and Tim Reem currently with the national team of American men and Lilliabada with the national team of the Israeli men. Three beginners, all of whom made a clear team this season for Charlot FC. The Saturday match will be a real testimony to the strength and depth of the team.

The latest addition of the band, Souleyman Doumbia is still waiting for its visa but it is likely to be for the first time on Saturday if obtained. The fans may see that the Tukumasians earn his first start with the team, as it has been proven that it could be fruitful in the attack during the minutes he obtained from the bench.

Charlotte's potential is to win points in her discipline and patience as an entire unit. “We want to develop our team … If we cannot break it quickly and register, our mission is to stay on the ball so that we can create a better position.” Coach Dean Smith said at his press conference.




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