The common suffering expects social commitment between the survivors of Turkish earthquakes

The study was approved by the Conocetic University Review Council, and all research was conducted according to Helsinki's announcement. All questions were optional, and some participants chose not to answer some questions. Since the percentage of the lost data was low (3.96 % in its loss), we applied the full condition analysis without any pressure.
122 participants were recruited to study between May 10 – June 9, 2023. Participants were excluded from analyzes because they completed less than 10 % of the survey. The final sample included 120 Turkish earthquake survivors (60 males and 60 females) between the ages of 18 and 68 (M = 32.9, SD = 12.2). Among them, 79.4 % of high school has completed, while 47.1 % got some higher education. All participants with the exception of two Muslims (one Christian and one atheist).
When the earthquakes were struck on February 6, 2023, 54.2 % of the sample was near the first earthquake center in Gaziantest, with others at the second earthquake center in Kahramanmar (14.4 %) or other areas affected by southern Turkey (31.4 %). Almost all the participants reported that they are with an immediate family (90.8 %) when they hit the main earthquakes.
As expected, the life of the participants was greatly affected by the disaster. Nearly half (42.5 %) of our sample have suffered from the death of a member of his family due to the earthquake and 28.3 % who were injured for themselves or their family members. Less than a third (30.8 %) may have lost their homes, and 23.3 % have been transferred to another city. More than half (53.3 %) has reported the loss of their job or have been exposed to some other serious financial hardship. Previous research indicates that thinking about joint emotional experiences over time gradually contribute to the formation of identity to contribute to the fusion process 21,22.23.
Scenes levels
The prevalence of PTSD among the two survivors was anxiously high at 85.2 %, with degrees on the revised effect of the juvenile scale (IES-R, 24) widely from 9 to 85 (M = 52.6, SD = 17.3) (Figure 3). Medium levels reflect samples and data collection methods; It, we asked the volunteers personally and condemned the surveys of investigative studies with the survivors of the most influential areas. In contrast, another study, using online surveys that were sent to Turkish hospital patients and their families in May 2023, told 51.4 % of PTSD. This may be because the most influential areas and individuals were less likely to access the Internet. As we knew, we found the highest spread of PTSD after Erthquake in the sample 25,26.
Figure 3
The density plot that shows the frequency distribution of dozens I-R against clinical sills. The first vertical line on the left represents the clinical interest. The second (middle) vertical line is a definite diagnosis of a potential trauma disorder; The red vertical line on the right represents what is considered high enough to suppress the immunotherapy for 10 years after the effect occurred. 82.6 % of the respondents in our sample were higher than this last threshold.
Social support
Participants classified the level of social support imagined since earthquakes on a scale of 5 points from 0- “completely supported” to 4- “fully supported” through six groups: the family; friends; Religious community government; Non -governmental organizations and assistance; And the world. The middle grades of each group ranged from 3.3 for the family – followed by friends (3.2), to 1.6 for members of religious society.
In May 2024, Al -Qa’im traveled to conduct the interview (the main author), an original Turkish citizen, through eight of the most influential areas (i.e. the surrounding cities and villages) in Turkey (Figure 4) over a period of one month to wipe the survivors of earthquakes.
To reduce the bias of samples, we have adopted two employment strategies in each of the eight affected fields. First, based on the taking of rest samples, the request to conduct the volunteer interview in public places, such as foreign markets and public parks. Second, we sought to recruit the most influential individuals by inviting the population on the suburbs of temporary settlements (for example, mobile cities) to participate. Call the interview with people gathering in public areas (for example, selling items, and gathering for coffee) around the settlements to participate in the study. For all potential participants, the interview showed that she was studying people's experiences in the earthquake and seeking volunteers to complete a digital survey separately. The potential participants were also provided with a paper copy of the information paper and went to a nearby site to ensure privacy while reading. Given the cultural sensitivities towards signing the documents – especially those that can be considered mechanisms to track identity or forms of criticism against the Turkish government, and to allow more interactive discussion, approval was obtained by an oral interview.
Participants are equipped with a tablet computer that runs Qualtrics. The poll was displayed on the screen and the interview took any questions or clarifications. The population composition and details about the social support at the end of the study have been completed to reduce the preparation before the main questions. At the end of the interview, the participants were thanked for their help and remembered that the information paper contains the details of two free hot lines to provide psychological advice to the shock of the earthquake in Türkiye. At the conclusion of the study, the opposite conducted the translation of the survey responses from Turkish into English.
Figure 4
Eight areas in Türkiye (which were appointed by black points), where the main researcher conducted interviews. The earthquake center is characterized by the concentrated circles. A map adapted from Wikipedia Commons.
Stretched levels of shock scale
We have evaluated the levels of post-traumatic disorder with the effect of the EGP 18 (IES-R), which is a self-report scale for the symptoms of PTSD, which was previously used with the survivors of earthquake disasters 27. The revised scale consists of 22 elements (7 added to the original IES27,28 to capture better for the diagnostic and statistical guide to mental disorders (DSM) Post -shock, and the evaluation of the distress that results from that painful event (for example, “pictures around the event in my mind”. All “; 1 =” a little “, 2 =” moderate “; 3 =” very little “; 4 =” very “). There was a group of topics that surpassed more than three questions.
The IES-R is a total degree ranging from 0 to 88, and the grades have the following connections: in 24 or more PTSDs is a source of clinical anxiety 29; 33 and above is the pieces of a possible diagnosis of PTSD30 and 37 or more is high enough to suppress immune performance 10 years after the impact event 31.
Social support
The participants classified their support since the earthquake, on a scale of 5 points from 0 (“completely supported”) to 4 (“fully supported”) for 5 groups: 1 instant family and relatives; Two friends or community members, their acquaintances; 3 members of my religious community;
Emotional intensity
Participants classified the severity of their emotions after hitting earthquakes on the sixth of February 2023, by moving the index on a visual scale. The scale ranged from 1 “unintensive”, with the middle of the point of 5 “intense” to the end point of 10 “very intense”.
Participated portrayed
Instructions were directed to the participants first to “consider the answer you provided on the last question about the general density of your emotions after you hit the earthquakes on February 6, 2023”. After that, they classified the extent that they believed that each of the five targeted groups would participate in the same experiment like them, from a scale 0 = “it was not shared at all” to 5 = “completely subscribed”. The five groups were (1) family members who suffered from the earthquake with the participant; (2) The Turkish people are directly affected by the earthquake; (3) The Turkish people who were not directly affected by the earthquake; (4) A Syrian people are directly affected by the earthquake; And (5) the Syrian people who were not directly affected by the earthquake.
Identity fusion
ID integration with target groups 5 was measured using a 12th graphic scale as shown in Figure 5. The self is photographed as a small circle and a group by a larger circle. The two circles interfere with varying degrees, and participants choose the image between five options their best relationship with the group. The images are compatible with five gradual levels of fusion, with the last 5 image, where the small (subjective) circle is fully attached by the large circuit (the group) representing the highest degree of fusion.
Figure 5
The scale of fusion, adapted from Swann et al.12
Positive commitment
We have operated the positive commitment to three targeted groups that were directly affected by the earthquake (family members who were present with the participant during the earthquake; the survivors of Turkish earthquakes; and the survivors of Syrian earthquakes) based on the pledge to volunteer time to help each group. Since many earthquake survivors have been deprived of their basic property, we have operated social social commitment as being prepared to donate time to help the target group, because time was one of the only resources available to all participants. Participants read, “If you have the means to do this, how much will you volunteer your time to help the survivors of the other earthquake in the future?” Participants responded on a scale of 5 points (0 = “” very unlikely “, 1 =” unlikely “, 2 =” perhaps “, 3 =” possible “, 4 =” very possible “).
Sources 2/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-025-90921-4 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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