“Tilt”, an earthquake that was placed in Portland by Emma Patti, on Tuesday

Like most Portlands, Emma Patti is concerned about “The Big Big”.
This, of course, an earthquake in the CASCADIA cutting area is recorded at the top of 8 to 9, which can occur in 50 years, 100 years, or before the completion of this sentence.
This earthquake, which all scared, is the event that launches Patty's first novel, “Tilt”, on Tuesday from Simon & Schuster, which is a day in the life of a very pregnant woman who moves Portland in the wreckage of the earthquake.
Patti, 34, grew up in the state of Oregon and lived in Portland mostly, since high school. It is also a journalist covering climate science. So it faced generalized, sometimes deadly anxiety, and the anxiety that many Portland suffers from around the potential earthquake.
In 2019, when she was pregnant, Pattee, like her novel, Annie, was shopping in IKEA when the building began to vibrate.
“It came to me,” she said on Thursday. “This is the book that I will write.”
Many happened in the decisive years – Patti gave birth to a child, there was a pandemic, and she gave birth to another child. I needed the police brutality. I saw continuous pictures of the dead children in Gaza on social media.
All of these things are part of their novel, although it is not explicit.
Frankly, Annie's story, which is very pregnant and trying to buy a bed in IKEA when the earthquake changes its reality and sends it to Odysse through a broken city.
Since it is well searched and honest to Portland's positions and sites, the book, which is characterized by speed and entertaining, will definitely read differently by people inside and outside the city.
The map at the beginning of “Tilt” will be recognized by EMMA Pattee to Portlanders.lizzy Acker/The Oregonian
Reading this book in Arizona? You will sail through it within two days, recommend it to your book Club, and perhaps wonder if it has been chosen by a film studio.
Read it in, for example, Rose City Park? You may remain awake in searching for safe schools from the earthquake, reminding your husband to your emergency meeting point, and ran to Safeway to renew your emergency water supply.
Patti admits this.
She said readers who are not from Portland find a “sexy” book. And people from here? “Sometimes these conversations have become more intense.”
It is impossible to read the book in Portland without imagining yourself in it, because it happens here. It is written realistically, in a way that may make you ask via IKEA again.
(“The good news is that IKEA has been fully modified.”
Although she did not initially write “tilt” to shock people in preparation, Patti hopes that it would be one of her results.
Not only personal readiness, such as water, food and meetings sites, but preparing at the city level, especially when it comes to the safety of the Portland public earthquake.
A decisive scene in the book occurs in a school, which is one of the only features that Pattee imagines. Instead of placing the scene in a current real school, I moved it to the Revolution Hall, a previous school, in an attempt to hide from local parents' readers.
But her view of the safety of public schools in Portland, which she said that many of them are still unable to withstand a large earthquake, turned into a larger project.
She said: “What started as a fictional dream, my imaginary project and the nightmare obsession that really turned to”, is it possible to change this problem? ”
“This is an issue that has really clear solutions,” Batti added. “There are many other countries that dealt with this.”
While she hopes that her work will make people safer, Pattee also struggles with the emotional influence that may have her book on people who have children in Portland.
It is not wrong to arrive severe.
The scene in the school is devastating. But it was obtained. Patti spoke to experts of all kinds and searched how these moments would play and how they played.
Anyone with children reading this scene, who believes Patti has made her homework, will struggle to send their children to school the next day.
“I don't want to be afraid of the father,” said Patti. “Also, the earthquake is coming.”
– Covering Lizi Aker Life and Culture and writes the pillar of advice why? You reach it on 503-221-8052, Lacker@oregonian.com.
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Sources 2/ https://www.oregonlive.com/books/2025/03/portland-authors-novel-about-the-really-big-one-might-finally-convince-you-to-get-a-go-bag.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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