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Arcana tattoo studio “healing movement” for earthquake survivors


John Kirk Anderson / Staff

Bonnie Singh at Arcana Tattoo Craft, an all-women-owned and operated tattoo studio that opened in Lyttelton inside the British hotel.

Arcana Tattoo Craft is a tattoo and piercing studio in Christchurch that is owned and run by women.

Arcana, formerly known as Maid of Ink, has moved to new headquarters in Lyleton.

Tattoo co-owner Boni Singh said it was “a fresh start”.

Singh had to rebuild her life after breaking her back in the Christchurch earthquake while working as a trained tattoo artist in Southern Ink.

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Chris Skelton / Staff

Arcana Tattoo Craft opened at the British hotel in Lyttelton with tattoos of Bonnie Singh, Jack Parkin and Emma Rocks, pictured right.

When the earthquake struck on February 22, 2011, she and fellow intern Matte Machich, 25, ran to the door of the Colombo Street store.

McEachen and American tourist Rachel Conley, 27, who had just left the studio after reserving the phrase “Let it Be” tattooed with McEachen, were killed by the fall of the building.

Singh lost consciousness when a stone fell: “a huge concrete slab.” After she was trapped under the rubble, she crawled to a safe place with a “broken neck and back.”

“ When the concrete slab hit my head, I pressed … I broke six vertebrae in my back and two in my neck. ”

For more than nine years, Singh, a single mother, has said she has dealt with “the lingering effects of head and spine injuries”.

“ After more than nine years on the track, I’m still living with chronic pain. I hate to be limited but I had to swallow my pride and admit that I need to overcome it, ” she said.

John Kirk Anderson / Staff

Bonnie Singh at Arcana Tattoo Craft. Singh was severely injured in the 2011 Southern Ink tattoo earthquake while she was an apprentice, and she now owns her first “fit” studio.

In 2013, Singh, along with two other Southern Ink women, Emma Rocks and Jack Parkin, opened Lyttelton’s ink maid together.

“It is owned and run by women, but we are inclusive of everyone,” Singh said.

Singh learned how to draw tattoos in a dark basement space, working part-time as her injuries allowed.

“We’ve been in that basement for seven years,” she said. “Years of trauma healing have passed, years of hiding out of the world. I have made myself a life on this side of the tunnel, and I struggle with going to town … PTSD (PTSD) still affects me .

“ Jack and I officially co-own the Arcana, but the three of us have been together for all these years since the earthquake. ”

There is an Arcana now where sailors quarreling and drinking oceans of beer on the British hotel building, which was infamous as the scene of a stabbing in the late 1960s. Before the earthquake it housed a popular music venue, El Santo Porteno, and more recently Hell Fire Club.

Where people used to draw scales, there are now tattooed chairs and colored ink bottles arrayed in neat rows.

McEachen’s image is featured on Arcana Tattoo Craft.

Singh, 38, said the new building marked a fresh start.

“The new space is bigger, better and brighter.” Singh said, “We have a new name … it’s like a rebirth.”

Singh said her passion for working in “healing” is fulfilled as a tattoo.

“I often find my clients are people who have experienced severe trauma,” she said.

“ Whether I’m tattooing someone’s scars to help them change the way they look at this part of themselves, or just listening as they talk about trauma, this is a spiritual process about healing.

“I understand the trauma because I experienced it too.”

John Kirk Anderson / Staff

Bonnie Singh of Littleton-based Arcana Tattoo Craft said she still suffered from PTSD and earthquake injuries but found that the people who drew the tattoos are “recovering”.

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