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MLS Focus: Earthquakes hit the bottom 09/21/2020


San Jose Earthquakes have suffered some bad losses since returning from the MLS Championship back – 5-1 at LAFC and 7-1 in Seattle – but they reached bottom on Saturday night when they lost at home to Portland, 6.1, extending their unbeaten streak To seven matches (eight matches if you include the 4–1 loss to Minnesota United in the MLS is the back quarter-finals).

The loss, which kept earthquakes last at the Western Conference, raised questions about the future of their second-year coach, Matthias Almeida – plus the player’s transfer, or lack thereof, to General Manager Jesse Fioranelli.

The man-to-man tactics San Jose applies across the field have yielded their share of wins – they went 11-3-4 after starting with four defeats in 2019 and reaching the quarter-finals in the MLS back – but have conceded easy goals at an increasing pace in recent weeks. .

Almeida was unavailable after Saturday’s loss to Timbers, but Fioranelli, who said the Argentine had such a severe headache, spoke in his place.

“We apologize, I apologize, for the way we have done today. This is not who we are,” said Fioranelli, who took over as managing director in 2017.

As it did in 2019, when they lost nine of their last 11 games after climbing one point from second place in the Western Conference, Quakes couldn’t maintain the stellar form they showed in the MLS is Back. Due to health restrictions in Santa Clara County, they were unable to train as a team, so they arrived two weeks ago in Florida to resume their summer in MLS.

“Now is a very difficult moment. I admit that we are very upset about the last shows. We had a completely different face that we presented when we were in Orlando. There were different circumstances,” said Fioranelli.

Fiorinelli said the situation is different now.

“It is a very different football that we are living in now, whether it is training conditions or an intense schedule,” he said. We also had other air quality disturbances. But our team in Orlando, focused on play and went out in football, 14 consecutive days, without training before the tournament. We were able to express ourselves differently. “

Fiorinelli said he does not make excuses but does not want to jump to conclusions but indicated that there will be changes, at least as far as the players are concerned. Most people would think of a time when Fiorinelli is making some moves.

No MLS team has brought in fewer players this season than Quakes. With the exception of Mexican defender Oswaldo Alanis, who was signed on loan from Guadalajara, all other signings were players signed as local or Super Draft players.

He added: “One thing I can say, is that we will have to make certain decisions about how we want to move forward as a list.”


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