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Global Earthquake Report for Tuesday 22nd September 2020 / VolcanoDiscovery


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See also: Monthly Reports World Earthquake Report for Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Tuesday 22 September 2020 05:20 AM | Posted by: Earthquake Monitor

Global earthquakes with a magnitude of 3 in the past 24 hours on September 22, 2020

Summary: 6 earthquakes 5.0+, 27 earthquakes 4.0+, 83 earthquakes 3.0+, 165 2.0+ earthquakes (281 total) This report is updated hourly. Grade 5 +: 6 earthquakes, 4+: 27 earthquakes, 3+: 83 earthquakes, grade 2 +: 165 earthquakes No earthquakes of magnitude 6 or higher Estimated total seismic energy: 7 x 1013 Joules (19.3 GWh, i.e. Equivalent to 16,645 tons of TNT or one atomic bomb!) [learn more]List of the 10 largest earthquakes in the world (past 24 hours): # 1: 5.8 earthquake: central-eastern Pacific elevation, September 21, 2020 13h37 # 2: 5.4 earthquake: central-eastern Pacific elevation, September 21, 2020 12h27 # 3: 5.4 earthquake: Lake Baikal Region, Russia, 21 Sep 2020 18h04 # 4: 5.3 quake: Central East Pacific Rise, 21 Sep 2020 12h06 # 5: 5.3 quake: Banda Sea, Indonesia, 22 Sep 2020 01h19 # 6: 5.0 quake: 97 Km SW of Inarajan Village, Guam, September 22, 2020 00h20 # 7: 4.8 Earthquake: 117 Km ENE of Palopo, Indonesia, September 21, 2020 10h26 # 8: 4.8 quake: Celebes Sea, Philippines, September 21, 2020 13h52 # 9: 4.7 Earthquake: Southern Panama , Colombia, September 21, 2020 14h59 # 10: 4.6 earthquake: Banda Sea, Indonesia, September 21, 2020 06h34 Earthquakes reported: # 1: 5.4 earthquake: Lake Baikal region, Russia, September 21, 2020 18h04-87 Report Moderately strong earthquake occurred In Russia this evening near the southwest end of Lake Baikal. It is estimated as a size of 5.3-5.5, depending on the calculations applied by various agencies. The epicenter was 80 km from the regional capital Irkutsk (587,000 people) and the depth of the earthquake was most likely between 10 and 40 km. Residents felt the earthquake on a large scale in the area in the form of moderate to light shaking, but due to the extremely low population density, there are not many reports (yet). A strong tremor could have been expected in the very close area, within a few tens of kilometers, from the epicenter. There are no major cities very close to the epicenter and major damage is not expected. In Irkutsk, moderate vibration intensity has been reported. Most people felt rough movements that lasted for a few seconds.

While most of Russia has very few earthquakes, since most of its land mass is in the stable interior of the Eurasian Plate, the Lake Baikal region is an exception: it is affected by the process of tectonic rifting (diffusion), in which there are two parts of the crust that are separated by two systems Parallel crack. This fault called Baykal Rift is one of the most active tectonic features in Russia and has over time created the world’s deepest freshwater lake.

# 2: 3.3 Earthquake: 11 km northwest of Lake Elsinore, California, USA, September 21, 2020 13h20-60 Reports # 3: 4.4 Earthquake: 46 km west of Guwahati, India, September 21, 2020 19h58-24 Reports # 4: 2.2 Earthquake: 6 Km NE from Zagreb, Croatia, September 22, 2020 00h37-5 Reports # 5: 5.8 Earthquake: Central East Pacific elevation, September 21, 2020 13h37-4 Reports # 6: 4.6 Earthquake: 13 km northwest of Kultuk, Russia, 21 Sep 2020 18h19 – 3 Reports # 7: 5.3 Earthquake: Banda Sea, Indonesia, 22 Sep 2020 01h19-3 Reports # 8: 3.2 Earthquake: Arunachal Pradesh, India, 21 Sep 2020 14h15 – 3 Reports # 9: 3.4 Earthquake: 10 Km south of Guánica, Puerto Rico, 21 Sep 2020 22h03 – 3 Reports # 10: 3.9 Earthquake: 23 Km Al Sur De Jacó, Costa Rica, Sep 22, 2020 01h43 – Two reports earthquake statistics:

Number of earthquakes and energy emitted versus time

Earthquake count and energy emitted versus magnitude

Earthquake magnitude and energy emitted versus time

The 20 largest earthquakes in 24 hours, and the 20 largest earthquakes on a plateau, September 21, 2020 Full list of earthquakes (latest and archive) Previous news

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Summary: 4 earthquakes 5.0+, 26 earthquakes 4.0+, 93 earthquakes 3.0+, 183 earthquakes 2.0+ (306 total) … read all

Monday 21 September 2020

Monday 21 September 2020

An earthquake of moderate strength occurred in Russia this evening near the southwest of Lake Baikal. It is estimated as a size of 5.3-5.5, depending on the calculations applied by various agencies. … read everything

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