April Fool’s Day 2020: Say no to faking new handles, tweeting police handles – it’s a virus
- April 1st is everywhere celebrated as Mad Day
- But things are quite different this time and everyone is under lock and key
- Police took to Twitter to crack some April fake jokes for April
You don’t need a specific day to cheat, but hey, it’s a whole day dedicated to him. April 1st is everywhere celebrated as April Fool’s Day, but things are quite different this time around. Everyone is locked in, and at least you have to physically appear before someone to make the same old lace move. So what do the best read dumb dolls follow? Fake messages, what else? So now the official Twitter police lunches are downloading these fake messages and pranks, some and a smidgen of humor, to try and help people not fall for the “storm on me, April fool hai”.
Following Prime Minister Modi’s announcement that the fake 21-day lock news was a threat. And in response, Twitter head of DCP South Delhi tweeted this special post taking a cue from the popular feature film Harry Potter. In addition to the picture showing Harry pulling on his invisibility cloak, the picture also included the text, “You may not see us. But we’re looking at you. “Just as Harry used to keep an eye on mysterious things, so does the tweet prove that the police are ubiquitous and active in waking up fake news that deliberately spread clothes on the day of the holiday.
“We are vigilant and everywhere! There will be strict legal action against any attempt to spread rumors on social media under the guise of #AprilFoolsDay,” the tweet reads.
We are paying attention everywhere!
Strict legal action is being taken against any attempt to spread rumors on social media undercover #AprilFoolsDay
April Fools Day you can see everything you want to see about it to see your lives. pic.twitter.com/ksgxtX36Yl
– DCP South Delhi (@DCPSouthDelhi) March 31, 2020
Another tip on fake news was posted on Twitter by the Mumbai Police Commissioner. Pushing a series of fake WhatsApps forward, the tweet warns people not to fall for such rumors and panic amid the lock.
“This year #AprilFoolsDay Don’t become a prey to any rumors. Only rely on information from authorized sources. #DontGetFooled, “the tweet reads.
या वर्षी #AprilFoolsDay ला कुठल्याही अफवा पसरवणाऱ्या संदेशांना बळी पडू नका. क्त अधिकृत रिोतलंय ोतमआवववववववववववववववववव …………….#DontGetFooled pic.twitter.com/ycRTnYj2QF
– CP Mumbai Police (@CPMumbaiPolice) April 1, 2020
Tweeted on Uttar Pradesh Police Helpline, call 112 also shared the tweet.
I like ‘ह ह’ फै फै ा ा क क ा ं ऐ ऐ ऐ ऐ ऐ ऐ … #AprilFoolsDay ? pic.twitter.com/Z7PM2YF2Bc
– Call 112 (@ 112UttarPradesh) April 1, 2020
The announcements have aroused great respect and worrying comments from netizens, who have been provided with full co-operation and assistance by police.
“Thanks. Keep tweeting important messages,” the Twitter user writes. “Please keep updating false rumors,” says another. “Please keep up to date with all such rumors and important termination information,” a third asks.
We also ask you to keep calm and not fall for or spread the fake news.
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