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Scientists: Climate Change May Lead to Tsunami from Landslides in Alaska


Climate change poses a much greater threat to humanity than anything else at the moment, not even a viral pandemic or war. In Alaska, climate change is intensifying the tsunami threat, which scientists believe will be triggered by melting glaciers that currently hold mountains and are in danger of falling into the ocean.

Whittier is the most anxious city in Alaska, as the Barry Glacier, once the most scenic in the entire city, poses a tsunami threat as it continues to retreat quickly.

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What’s new in Whittier?

Whittier still hasn’t forgotten the 1964 earthquake and tsunami that killed 13 people and destroyed $ 10 million worth of property. However, another tsunami threat looms over the city in the 21st century as the Bari Glacier continues to melt and may fall into the ocean at any moment, causing a massive tsunami.

According to Wired, scientists believe the glacier will decline in the next 20 years and may take less time if global warming continues at the same pace.

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Gabriel Walken, director of the Climate and Cryosphere Risk Program in the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, said the area is unstable and that landslides occur regularly.

“The rock itself is not very qualified. It is fundamentally crumbling,” said Walken, who visits Barry Arm every now and then to conduct surveys.

The residents of Whittier are said to be aware of the dangers but do not care much as they have apparently become vulnerable to disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, landslides, etc.

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The Alaska Department of Natural Resources also warned of the situation in May of this year as it issued a press release about a possible tsunami due to a landslide caused by melting ice. Steve Masterman, director of geological and geographic surveys, said his staff have received indications that the rapid retreat of the Barry Glacier from Barry Arm, 28 miles northeast of Whittier, could release millions of tons of rock into the river, triggering a tsunami at least as some. One of the largest hurricanes in the state’s recorded history.

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