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Comment: The Research and Studies Center plans a future of garbage disposal


Comment from the Director General of the Regional Capital District, Parks and Environmental Services.

I would like to clarify some of the points raised in the column “Zero Waste Means No Landfill Expansion” (Trevor Hancock, November 15) – especially regarding the draft metropolitan area solid waste management plan.

The CRD is required by the county to provide a safe, secure, and sustainable option for the disposal of the area’s waste, now and in the future. If waste trends and population growth follow current projections, the Heartland landfill will be full by 2045 – sooner if a major earthquake strikes – and yet the Waste Development Center is responsible for managing waste forever.

It would be irresponsible not to plan for the future while at the same time prioritizing the work that diverts as much waste as possible from the landfill.

CRD’s draft solid waste management plan focuses on exactly these activities – things like banning materials and increasing recycling from commercial and multi-family buildings – to achieve the plan’s goal of reducing our waste by a third, to 250 kilograms per person per year by 2030.

This draft plan uses every tool regionally available to divert waste through reduction, reuse, and recycling. The CRD is also required to prepare the landfill to meet the future needs of the community after 2045, so the plan includes a strategy to use the only landfill in the region as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of the waste system by preventing waste from leaving the area is not an endorsement of continued landfill, as suggested in Hancock’s column. This note has been submitted to the Research and Development Board to highlight the important difference between waste diversion and export.

Closing the landfill in 2045 won’t force residents to stop littering away. Our waste will simply be transported to other places for disposal, as is the case now in areas that do not have their own landfill.

Relaying waste away from the CRD means that waste producers who do export will not pay the tip fees that fund the very limit programs to bring our region closer to zero waste.

While there will always be some material that requires burying the waste, extending the life of the Heartland landfill to 2100 does not prevent residents from changing their habits. In fact, this facility could last until 2,200 or even 2,400 if we all did our best to reduce waste now.

The proposed design allows Hartland with this flexibility and gives the R&D department time to further explore and research technologies that may reduce the area’s need for a future landfill.

Public input is an important part of the planning process in an area. The CRD is calling for notes on the draft plan at

Residents interested in learning more can attend an info session streamed live on December 14th on CRD’s YouTube channel.

On behalf of CRD, I look forward to continuing this conversation.

© Copyright Colonist Times


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