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'The Maze Runner' Movie Reboot Is In The Works In The 20th Century

'The Maze Runner' Movie Reboot Is In The Works In The 20th Century


The Maze Runner is back on the starting line.

20th Century Studios is relaunching the sci-fi action adventure franchise, which ran as a trilogy from 2014 to 2018.

The Disney branch is in negotiations to bring in Jack Paglen, perhaps best known for writing the sci-fi film starring Johnny Depp. Transcendenceto write the script for a new opus.

Gotham Group's Ellen Goldsmith-Vein and Lee Stollman and Temple Hill's Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen, who produced the original trilogy, are returning to produce this one. Wes Ball, who directed the original trilogy, will also be involved as a producer.

Based on the bestselling books by James Dashner, the first Maze Runner volume, and the film adaptation, centered on a group of teenagers who find themselves arriving in a fortified setting called The Glade with their memories erased. Beyond the four walls of the encampment lies a maze filled with deadly mechanical creatures and doors that close each night at sunset. A newcomer discovers the key to the groups' survival and tries to force them out.

Subsequent films and books opened up the setting, revealing a dystopian world with evil government organizations and filthy corporations. Movies became larger and more action-oriented.

According to sources, the reboot is not a rehash of the story or a direct sequel to the original trilogy, which starred Dylan O'Brien and Kaya Scodelario. The hope is to make some sort of continuation of the story while returning to the elements that allowed the first film to connect with its audience. (The original film, made by 20th Century Fox in the years before it was acquired by Disney, also proved to be an unexpected moneymaker, grossing $348 million worldwide but costing only $35 million to realize.)

It is a similar strategy which 20th Century employs with the next Kingdom of the Planet of the Apeswhich happens to be directed by Ball. Kingdom is a reboot of the Apes franchise that doesn't remake the 2010s films (or the original from the 1960s and 1970s) but connects by having a story with new characters set generations after the events of the previous film.

As a writer, Paglen has also worked on Extraterrestrial: Alliancethe 2017 sci-fi monster film directed by Ridley Scott, and served as co-producer on Magic Orderthe Netflix series adaptation of Mark Millar's comic book.

He is replaced by CAA and Lichter Grossman.




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