An app for the disasters inherent in “Evangelion” is a hit in Japan: The Asahi Shimbun
A young businessman has developed a smartphone application based on the popular animated movie “Neon Genesis Evangelion” which allows people in Japan to experience a natural disaster through the eyes of the main character as well as deal with the emerging disturbances in real time.
The series’ disaster preparedness app has been downloaded more than a million times since its release a year ago.
The app allows users to follow the countdown to an earthquake in real time after issuing an early warning on the screen similar to the warning sign that pops up on a computer screen in an anime, along with other anime-specific features.
The app “Tokumu Kikan NERV Bosai” is named after the special organization in the series, NERV, to which the protagonist, Shinji Ikari, belongs.
The app’s design is deeply influenced by “Evangelion”. While its base color is black, the warnings are shown in purple letters, and it is the same color as the human Evangelion Unit-01 weapon used by Shinji pilots.
Daiki Ishimori, a fan of Daiki Ichimori, has developed the application that provides information on weather, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency via an exclusive line for users in the corresponding areas and text messages from the J-Alert emergency warning system.
Ishimori, 30, President of Gehirn Inc. Tokyo-based information security agency, he hails from Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, which was devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Ichimori has been a fan since he attended middle school, he has memorized nearly all lines of the anime after watching the 26-episode show at least 50 times. He has two complete sets of manga volumes, one for reading and the other for memorization.
In 2010, Ishimori, an avid Twitter user, created an account under the name NERV to tweet information about the weather and other topics.
In 2011, he was in Tokyo when the Great East Japan Earthquake struck. Unable to communicate with his family in Ishinomaki, he was stuck to the TV and kept tweeting information about damage and infrastructure.
His parents and younger sister turned out to be safe, but their home was destroyed by the tsunami. A high school friend and relative perished in the disaster.
Ishimori gained followers on Twitter as disasters continued in Japan and often received requests from them saying they only needed information relevant to them.
Although he came up with the idea of ​​developing an app to provide the most relevant information for specific areas, he wasn’t sure if he should incorporate animation into disaster preparedness efforts.
It wasn’t until he was invited to a meeting attended by “Evangelion” insiders that he realized this was the way to go.
When Ishimori revealed his plans for the app to the president of a company managing copyright, he was encouraged to use the NERV name.
Evangelion takes place in a world after the Second Impact, a catastrophic event that kills half of humanity.
Ishimori decided that his efforts to provide disaster preparedness information after the March 2011 disaster would reflect elements from the anime world.
The app was released in September 2019 and surpassed 1 million downloads in October of this year.
Ishimori said he feels the app has proven helpful to others. He was also particularly happy to create it after a user told him, “Thanks to the app, my family survived a landslide.”
Ishimori said he will never forget Ishinomaki’s ruined landscape and his feeling of helplessness after returning home a month after the earthquake.
“We cannot stop natural disasters. But we must leave a safe system for the next generation to minimize damage as possible,” he said.
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