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Earthquakes rattle in the southern flank of the volcano / VolcanoDiscovery

Earthquakes rattle in the southern flank of the volcano / VolcanoDiscovery


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Private Etna Volcano Tours: Discover Europe’s largest active volcano on private, one-day guided tours. Tours can be customized for different interests and fitness levels. Etna volcano Complex stratovolcano, currently about 3329 m (changes due to volcanic activity and collapse of crater edges) Sicily, Italy, 37.75 ° N / 14.99 ° C Some of the major historical eruptions include 122 BC (the Great Plenian eruptions that created the small caldera of “Cratere del Piano”), 1669 AD (a devastating flank eruption that destroyed 15 villages and parts of Catania), 1787 (Subplinian eruption and one of the most stunning summit explosions recorded) Lava fountains are 3000 m (interruptions since 1950 (f: loin / s: summit activity): 1950 (s), 1950-51 (f), 1955 (s), 1956 (s)), 1956 ( f), 1957 (s), 1960 (s), 1961 (s), 1964 (f), 1964 (s), 1966 (s), 1966-1971 (s), 1968 (f), 1971 (f), 1972-1973 (s), 1974 (f), 1974-1975 (s), 1975-1977 (f), 1977-1978 (s), 1978 (f), 1979 (s), 1979 (f)), 1980 (s), 1981 (s), 1981 (f), 1982-1983 (s), 1983 (f), 1984 (s), 1985 (s), 1985 (f), 1986 (s), 1986-1987 ( f), 1987 (s), 1988 (s), 1989 (s), 1989 (f), 1990 (s), 1991-93 (f), 1995 (s), 1996 (s), 1997 (s), 1998 (s), 1999 (s), 2000 (s), 2001 (s), 2001 (f), 2002 (s), 2002-03 (f), 2004-2005 (f), 2006 (s)), 2007 (s), 2008-2009 (F), 2010 (s), 2011-2013 (s), 2014-18, 2018 (f), 2019 (s), 2020 (s) typical eruption pattern: eruption (lava flows) and light (strombolian) eruptions. Both summit and flank volcanic eruptions, the latter appear to occur in clusters lasting a few tens to a few tens of years.

Etna volcano tours:

Volcanoes of Italy – Grand Tour (15-day study and walking tour from Vesuvius to Etna) Etna Excursion Tour (private and group tours to Etna volcano with a mountain guide) Private Etna Volcano (Volcano Expedition to see the eruption of Mount Etna volcano) Etna Discovery (hiking) And 8-day study tour on Mount Etna volcano, Italy) from Stromboli to Etna (9-day walking and study tour to Stromboli, Libari, Vulcano and Etna with our volcanologist)

Saturday, Jan 2 2021, 15:25

15:25 PM | Written by: T.

Earthquakes beneath Etna volcano from December 31, 2020 to January 2, 2021

Steaming from the new SE crater (Photo: LAVE webcam)

A series of earthquakes hit the flanks of Etna volcano over the past few days. From noon on December 31, 2020 until this morning, a swarm of tremors occurred at depths of between 10 and 15 kilometers, mainly under the southern flank of the volcano. Nearly 40 earthquakes with a magnitude of 3.8 were recorded, most of them on December 31 and early January 1. The earthquakes on a large scale were felt by people living on the southern slopes of Aetna. There is no evidence that these earthquakes affected activity at the summit craters, which were gradually subsiding, and appear to consist only of weak intermittent Strombolian activity (if any) and some ash emissions from a new southeast crater and, to a lesser extent, the central Foragen Crater. It is unclear if the earthquakes are volcanic in origin, but they may be, possibly due to deep rock intrusions pressing on deep reservoirs and fragmenting rocks in the mantle to form a space, which leads to small earthquakes. Ultimately, they may not necessarily need to be a precursor to a new phase of activity, something only Etna knows at present. Previous News Although there has been no bulge attack for nearly the last week (on December 22), Etna continues its eruption, mainly from the eastern summit opening of the new crater SE. Read all after the last bout of the SE crater early yesterday morning, the volcano continued to produce mild strombolian activity, mainly from the eastern summit opening of the SE crater complex. Read every third seizure that occurred at the volcano in the early morning hours of the day, after the previous one approximately 24 hours later. … Read all Another episode of lava fountains (Nuba) occurred this morning in the volcano. … read everything

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Small, spherical balls of volcanic ash form from a moist core falling through a cloud of volcanic ash.

Etna volcano photos: Etna – Europe’s largest and most active volcano is a universe in its own right. Browse through our collection that spans nearly 20 years of bangs and more. VolcanoDiscovery Tours: A selection of our most popular tours, which we have been providing and improving on for many years now: Stromboli & Etna, Santorini, Java, Ethiopia, Nyiragongo and more. take a look! Volcano Calendar 2016: We are proud to present our new volcano calendar for 2016: 13 different and attractive images of volcanoes, volcanic landscapes, and phenomena captured during volcanoes tours over the past few years.

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