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What caused the loud “boom” sounds reported on Saturday across several North Carolina counties?

What caused the loud “boom” sounds reported on Saturday across several North Carolina counties?


The Forsyth County Police Office said the cause or source of the noise was still unknown, and an investigation was underway.

NORTH CAROLINA, USA – Across several North Carolina counties, thousands of people reported hearing loud “booms” late on a Saturday afternoon. There was no official explanation for the mysterious noise until Sunday morning.

WFMY News 2 continues to communicate with officials about “mutations,” and this article will be updated as we learn more.

In terms of location, audiences reported hearing voices in Forsyth County, Yadkin County, Stokes County, Davy County, Rockingham County and Surrey County.

On social media, descriptions of the impact of the boom range from just hearing the noise to vibration of people’s homes. Viewers shared what they heard on the WFMY News 2 Facebook page.

Video / audio for one of “Boom”, from a model in Kernersville, NC. “This video is from about 8:00 pm. Those spikes were the smallest. The biggest was around 5:30 pm, and I thought one of them was shooting off the tanerite because the sound of the explosion shook the house.” MustafaHosny Oh God, Secretary

– Ben Smart (@BenSmartWFMY) January 3, 2021

One wrote, “I heard around 5:30 pm in Oak Ridge three times, my father said it looked like a cannon.”

“Two doans loud and tremble at each other within minutes.” A spectator wrote very distinct voices and movements.

“I’m in Yadkinville and I heard it. The whole house shook, I thought it was an earthquake. Another guy said.”

“Two noisy doyans maybe two minutes apart. It looked as though something had exploded.” Another person wrote, “We’re in Clemons.”

The bustling boom in North Carolina: Thousands of people have reported hearing loud (at least 2) booms between 5-8pm, possibly local to the Louisville area. FCSO says phone calls flood the 911 – but there have been no reports of injuries. The cause is unknown. MustafaHosny Oh God, Secretary

– Ben Smart (@BenSmartWFMY) January 3, 2021

The noise clearly frightened a large number of people – the Forsyth County Police Office released an unusual post on Facebook at 7:15 pm Saturday about the 911 system being “overwhelmed” with calls about spikes, asking residents to call only in real emergencies.

“We are aware of the loud noise in the Louisville area – callers flooding the 911 system. We have not received reports of injuries and we have no proven cause for the noise,” Forsyth County Police Office wrote in this post. “Call 911 only in the event of an emergency. Currently, people with actual emergencies cannot reach our call center and are transported to surrounding counties.”

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The Forsyth County sheriff’s office, contacted Sunday morning, said the cause or source of the sound was still unknown, and an investigation was underway. A spokesman for the ministry said that no injuries had been reported, and their only indication was a “deluge” of phone calls to 911, a local Louisville area.

Forsyth County Emergency Services on Sunday morning told WFMY News 2 that their agency also had no explanation for what caused the votes.

The U.S. Geological Survey has not detected any earthquakes in the southeastern United States in the past 24 hours, according to their tracking tool.

Dan Linz, Raleigh’s Science and Operations Officer for the National Weather Service, told WFMY News 2 that there were no significant weather events, such as thunder or lightning, near the area at the time the booms were reported on Saturday afternoon.

“I don’t think there’s any kind of weather-related component that causes the sound,” Linz said.

However, on Saturday there was a “major temperature reversal,” which Linz said could cause sound to travel farther, whatever the source. Meteorologist Christian Morgan echoed this sentiment.

“There are a lot of theories about what it might have been, none of which have been confirmed yet, but it is also worth noting that we have a strong reversal in the temperature tonight. This means that the temperature is actually very warm as you travel far into the atmosphere. Usually, Christian wrote on Facebook, “When we have these flips, they actually make any ‘boom’ or noise sound louder and travel farther.”

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In recent days, similar “boom” noises have been reported in western Kentucky, according to news reports.

One person on social media kept a lighthearted stance regarding votes: “2021 has already started with a big boom!”

This article will be updated throughout Sunday as we learn more.

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