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An earthquake triggers landslides and settles homes in Indonesia


A strong, shallow earthquake shook the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, causing landslides and forcing people to flee their homes in the night dark.

Written by Ninek Carmini Associated Press

January 15, 2021, 2:51 am

• 3 minutes to read

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Jakarta, Indonesia – A strong, shallow earthquake jolted the Indonesian island of Sulawesi just after midnight, causing landslides and prompting people to flee their homes in the night dark. At least three people were killed and 200 injured, but the authorities are still gathering information from the affected areas.

In a video released by the National Disaster Mitigation Agency, a girl trapped under the rubble of a house screamed for help and said her mother was still alive but unable to leave. “Please help me,” the girl told rescuers, who responded that they desperately wanted to help her.

Rescuers said in the video that an excavator was needed to rescue the girl and others trapped in collapsed buildings. Other images in the video showed a severed bridge and destroyed and even ruined homes. TV stations reported that the earthquake destroyed part of the hospital and patients were taken to an emergency tent outside.

Another video showed a father crying hopelessly, asking people for help to save his children buried under tons of rubble from his home. “My kids are there … are trapped inside, please help,” he shouted in panic.

Thousands of displaced people have been evacuated to several makeshift shelters. The US Geological Survey said the 6.2-magnitude quake early on Friday had its epicenter 36 km south of Mamuju in West Sulawesi province, at a depth of 18 km.

Serageldin, head of the Magen district disaster agency, said three people were killed when the earthquake ripped through their homes to the ground in their sleep.

Serageldin, who goes by the same name, said at least 218 people had been injured so far, with more than 300 homes and buildings damaged, including hospitals, health clinics, hotels and offices.

He said that although the inland earthquake did not have the potential to cause a tsunami, people along the coastal areas ran to higher ground for fear of one of them. There are now around 10,000 people in several makeshift shelters.

In the neighboring district of Mamuju, at least 62 homes, a public health center and a military office were damaged, and landslides occurred in three locations and closed a main road linking Mamuju with Majin district, said Raditiya Jati, spokesman for the disaster agency. . He said the agency was still collecting data from the quake-hit areas.

On Thursday, an earthquake measuring 5.9 degrees below sea level struck the same area, damaging many homes but apparently causing no injuries.

Indonesia, a vast archipelago of 260 million people, is frequently hit by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis because of its location on the “Ring of Fire”, an arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific basin.

In 2018, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake in Palu, Sulawesi Island, triggered a tsunami and caused the soil to collapse in a phenomenon called liquefaction. More than 4,000 people died, and many of the victims were buried when whole lives were swallowed up in the fallen ground.

A powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean and a tsunami in 2004 killed 230,000 people in dozens of countries, most of them in Indonesia.


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