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Former Christchurch Mayor Sir Bob Parker suffered a stroke and vowed to attend the earthquake memorial despite ill health


Then Mayor of Christchurch Sir Bob Parker in 2013. Photography / Martin Hunter

Former Christchurch Mayor and TV host Sir Bob Parker is determined to attend a memorial service for the February 22, 2011 earthquake despite his ill health.

Parker, who was a sheriff during the 2010-2011 earthquakes, is in a nursing home in Christchurch after suffering a heart attack followed by a stroke late last year.

He was an inspiring leader during the dark days immediately following the earthquakes, a sound of reassurance to the people of Christchurch.

Parker said, “At the time I was doing my job trying to get information to people. I always felt like it was a huge privilege to be able to help.”

He said that attending a memorial service to support those who lost loved ones or were injured in the earthquake was important to him. He has attended all previous memorial events and wants to be there again as a sign of respect for the many victims.

Parker, 68, felt his best when he had a heart attack in the early hours of May 3 last year.

He was treated and received medications, including blood thinners, in his first medical event.

Former Christchurch Mayor Sir Bob Parker and his wife Joanna Nichols Parker, after receiving KNZM at an inauguration in Wellington in 2014. Photo / Mark Mitchell

Then, he seemed to have recovered well, having a stroke on the morning of October 5 – just days after attending an event in Akaroa marking the restoration of the historic lighthouse.

He collapsed at his home in Christchurch due to a life-threatening stroke that caused an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), which is a hemorrhage inside brain tissue.

Parker spent 11 days in the Christchurch Hospital ICU in critical condition before being transferred to the general ward for another two to three weeks.

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This came after 11 weeks of care and rehab at Burwood Hospital, where he sustained two small lashes, before moving to his current care facility at the end of last week.

His wife Mrs. Joe Nichols Parker praises her husband’s medical treatment.

“At every stage of Sir Bob’s illness, he received amazing care and support from hospital staff at all levels,” she said.

“We cannot talk enough about our health system. The staff were exceptional. We both just want to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to their care.”

Sir Bob Parker was the public face of the Christchurch earthquake recovery. Image / file

The stroke affected Parker’s left side movement and he is now in a wheelchair.

“Although Sir Bob is now in a private facility, we intend to continue the occupational therapy and physical therapy created in Burwood to improve his mobility,” said Nichols Parker.

The family appreciated the letters of support from family and friends. They are now asking for privacy so they can focus on rehabilitating it.

Christchurch-born Parker served two terms as mayor of the city from 2007 to 2013.

His tenure was extended to the sequences of the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes that devastated the city, and on February 22, 2011 it killed 185 people.

Parker, in his fluorescent jacket, was a constant face in the aftermath of the earthquake, leading recovery efforts, working alongside police, military and international rescue teams, and handling media questions.

Developer / businessman Bert Goffin, who has been friends with Parker for 25 years, said, “It was a huge shock to Bob and his family. Bob has always been a person who exercises regularly, has done a lot of cycling, has a gym kit at home, he’s very conscious of his diet.” For his age and life stage, everyone believes that he has a really healthy lifestyle and is really fit.

“Being at risk of a heart attack, and a short few months later a series of strokes – it was a real shock.

“But he’s always been a very positive person and a great communicator, and I think he’s going deep into those personal characteristics now, and he’s dealing with current challenges.”

Goffin says he was not at all surprised that Parker was determined to attend the February 22 anniversary, and “looks exactly like Bob we know.”

“Whatever your political convictions, I think everyone in Canterbury will admit that Bob and Joe have taken huge leadership after the earthquakes and have shown their sympathy, love and respect for their fellow men.”

“And I think that just shows the depth of Bob’s personality – he’s going deep into his character now to deal with his current circumstances.”

Parker’s father died in 2013 just hours after awarding his son the Equestrian Medal.

Parker completed his high school education at Kashmir High School before moving on to study zoology at the University of Canterbury.

He became a household name in New Zealand through his radio career, having starred in radio before becoming a much-loved face on television.

His radio career included hosting the New Zealand version of This Is Your Life between 1984 and 1996.

Bob Parker hosted the New Zealand version of This Is Your Life between 1984-96. Image / file

Parker then turned his attention to domestic body politics.

He served as mayor of the Banks Peninsula region for two terms from 2001-2006. This council was later merged with the City of Christchurch and Parker was mayor of that body in 2007. He was re-elected in 2010.

His second term coincided with the deadly February 2011 earthquake.

Parker topped regular press conferences in the immediate aftermath.

He also spoke at the Christchurch memorial service in Hagley Park. An event that included the then Prime Minister Sir John Key and Prince William.

While his leadership was announced at the time of the disaster, his popularity waned as residents became frustrated with delays in making major decisions about the city’s recovery plan, housing and infrastructure reforms.

In July 2013, several months before the local authority elections that year, he announced that he would not seek re-election.

In 2014, with a New Year’s honor, he was awarded the Equestrian Medal for his service in local and community body politics.

Previously, he was named “Domestic Champion” at the 2012 New Zealander of the Year Awards. That year, the New Zealand Public Relations Institute also named him “Continued of the Year”.

In an interview with the New Zealand Herald in 2019, Parker spoke about the ongoing rebuilding of Christchurch, and the recovery of its people.

During a tour of the central business district, he said the city will rise again. One of the most common questions from foreign media came [after the quake] It was, “Are you going to have a city?” , He said.

“We told them this place has a great future and it proved real. The city is rising again.”

But Parker said at the time he was appalled at the lack of progress on the cathedral, as well as the major projects in the rebuilding scheme: the convention center, the new sports stadium and the Metro Sports facility.

“It happened from back to front, in a way,” he said. “Many of these big projects are designed to help bring stability, confidence and new investment to the city, and some of them haven’t happened yet, which is frustrating.”

“But you look around the city and you find what happened extraordinary. It’s developing into a wonderful city – an incredibly beautiful and safe city.”


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