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Experts warned after the earthquake of the danger of the earthquake continuing in the Turkish city of Izmir


The Aegean region stretches across the western shores of the country and is a collection of cities and towns where the sea of ​​the same name cuts across the land facing the mountains. Most of the settlements face countless islands, small and large, that dot the sea. Geography in its current form owes earthquakes and shifts in tectonic plates. Izmir, which is at the heart of the region, now faces the same risks of earthquakes.

The nation’s third largest province is seeking to recover from one of the deadliest earthquakes in recent years that killed 117 people a few months ago. Fear reigns among locals unfamiliar with such earthquakes, which usually appear in the northwest and eastern parts of the country. But experts warn that there may be more to come, following two 5.1-magnitude earthquakes that sparked fears among locals on Monday. There were no casualties or damage, but as in every earthquake, it reignited concerns about whether it was a harbinger of a larger earthquake.

The wider region lies in the middle of where three tectonic plates meet, extending into Africa, the Middle East, and the Eurasia region. The Arab and Eurasian plates collide in the east of the Aegean Sea, in an area covering Izmir and other Turkish provinces. Their collision pushes the Anatolian Plate northward to the west, creating the possibility of earthquakes. The epicenter of the October earthquake was on the western edge of the Anatolian Plate. To the east of Izmir lies the Gediz graben, a low mass of a planet’s crust bounded by parallel faults. To the south, the Kucuk Menderes fault line lies while another fault line called Tuzla runs from the southwest of the province to the northeast.

Diagram showing fault lines (red) in and near Izmir. (Written by Ayla Cocoon / Daily Sabah)

Professor Ofgun Ahmet Erkan takes a dim look at the fate of Izmir when it comes to earthquakes. The prominent geophysicist had advised locals to “go home” as earthquakes, preceded and followed by a series of less severe earthquakes, shook an area off the coast of the Karaburun district of the province. Although the area was closest to the epicenter, about 40 kilometers (24.9 miles) from its coast, the earthquake was in fact of “foreign” origin, caused by the movement of the Lesbos Fault which took its name from the nearby Greek island. People felt the earthquake there too, as well as in the Turkish provinces north of Izmir.

Erkan refers to a “seismic storm” in the region, something that not all experts agree with. “We initially dismissed this as a minor earthquake as the 5.1 magnitude earthquake followed a 4.1 magnitude but 4.6 magnitude earthquake that followed, indicating that this is not a“ major earthquake. ”After that, we saw more earthquakes throughout the day. “There is a barrage of earthquakes,” he told the Demiroren News Agency (DHA) on Tuesday, noting that pressure has accumulated on the fault line on Lesbos and the line failed to launch. This region is full of a possible earthquake. There was a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in this area in a year. 2017 (off the Greek island of Kos and 10 kilometers southeast of Mugla, south of Izmir), but the current pressure shows that there is a possibility of a magnitude 7.2 earthquake Even such a large earthquake, we can expect successive earthquakes.

Earth is tired

Faultlines may appear closer to Lesbos, but Turkey is only about 15 kilometers away. The epicenter of the October earthquake was in Izmir, near the Greek island of Samos, but it caused massive damage in (Izmir Province) Bayrakli. Now, the earthquakes have moved to Lesbos and Lesbos is located near the regions of Karsiyaka, Segle and Menemen. These areas, in turn, are close to wetlands where the ground cannot be strong enough, ”added Ercan. He says that the ground is“ tired ”after recent earthquakes and may not support the structures above and even a minor earthquake may be devastating. In certain regions and neighborhoods such as Karsiyaka, Bostanli, Mavişehir, Bayrakli and Bornova, they may not be resistant enough to the next earthquake after being affected by the (October) earthquake. ”Ercan says that the possible earthquake on Lesbos will also affect all settlements in a circumference of about 150 kilometers, from parts From Aydin Province to Manisa.

Dr. Oguz Gundogo, a geologist, classifies the earthquakes that occurred on Monday as just aftershocks of the October 2020 earthquake. “This is not an earthquake swarm as some people claim. I hope they are and after that, the pressure (on the fault line) will be reduced,” he told Radio CNN Turk. He said the Lesbos fault line was unable to induce a major earthquake. According to Professor Şükrü Ersoy of Yıldız Technical University (YTÜ), the Lesbos fault has the potential to generate earthquakes close to a force of 7.0. “The danger was always there. The Gulf of Izmir is particularly vulnerable to a tsunami.” Ersoy told CNN Türk that the Aegean Sea intersects with multiple fault lines that have led to major earthquakes throughout history.

“We do not expect one earthquake for Izmir. We expect 100 earthquakes because there are fault lines everywhere, from north to south, in the sea, on land, in neighboring provinces. What we have not seen so far is an earthquake on the ground. All the recent earthquakes have been at sea. We see a series of earthquakes south of Lesbos and activity continues there.


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