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Survivors remember the Hawk Bay earthquake 90 years later


A 99-year-old recalls the struggles that followed the 1931 Hawk Bay earthquake that shattered and destroyed much of the region.

Photo: RNZ / Tom Kitchin

Nola Manley was one of the survivors who attended a ceremony in Napier today, marking exactly 90 years since the earthquake.

She was a nine-year-old schoolgirl in Havelock North when the earthquake struck and she recalled lashing out with her classmates.

“One of the children was hit on the head with bricks while we were going out, and one of the chimneys, and a relative, were in [local] Baths and was caught with Labneh too. “

Manley remembered the tough times after that.

“Our smoker was down and we were living in a tent in the back of the section because I don’t know how long now. It was a bad thing and a bad thing and I hope we can get rid of all the earthquakes.”

Another survivor, Eric Paget, was two years old when the earthquake struck.

Photo: Supplied / Napier City Council

He could not remember the earthquake itself, but he had lived in Napier all his life and saw the city rise from under the ashes.

“The cathedral is down Tennyson Street over there, I would go there and play in all the ruins.”

He was impressed by the way the city was rebuilt and expanded.

“It has grown enormously of course, and of course the city has gone further.”

At 10.47 am today near Napier Beach, Veronica’s bell rang for two and a half minutes, the length of the earthquake ..

Photo: Supplied / Napier City Council

The bell is a major symbol of the 1931 earthquake and the Navy’s help in its wake, as is the case from the HMS Veronica.

While on duty, Commodore Matthew Williams, the captain of the Navy component of the Navy, retold the story of how the ship helped the city in a time of desperate need.

The ship was in port and despite the safety of the crew, they saw devastation on land.

“In Assyria, in front of Veronica, huge cracks appeared in the road and railroad tracks twisted into shapeless lumps of interlocking metal, some of which were tied to sleepers, and some were now flaccid,” said Williams.

Photo: RNZ / Tom Kitchin

The ship first reported the disaster via Morse to the Port of Auckland and the likes of PM.

Mayor of Napier Kirsten Wise told service workers that the earthquake should not be forgotten.

“The earthquake was a defining moment for all of you, leaving behind an indelible memory of what happened on that hot and sunny morning in February. As time passes, memories of that day become more valuable and important to remember for the sake of future generations aware of the history of our city.”

She said victory also came from adversity.

“The earthquake of 1931 was a great tragedy but out of luck a beautiful Art Deco city came that put us on the international map.”

A service was also held in Hastings at the same time, with the city clock bells ringing at 10.47 am.

Hamilton Logan, 96, spoke about his experience with the earthquake in Hastings.


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