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UNICEF Report on the Humanitarian Situation in Croatia No. 5 (earthquake) – February 3, 2021 – Croatia

UNICEF Report on the Humanitarian Situation in Croatia No. 5 (earthquake) – February 3, 2021 – Croatia
UNICEF Report on the Humanitarian Situation in Croatia No. 5 (earthquake) – February 3, 2021 – Croatia


the main points

In the wake of the most devastating earthquakes in the past 140 years that resulted in eight injuries and extensive material damage, the government declared a state of disaster in Sisak Moslavina County and parts of Zagreb and Karlovac Provinces.

Over 3,200 buildings inspected were assessed as unfit for use due to severe damage, and over 5,100 buildings were marked as temporarily unusable. It is estimated that about 15,000 to 20,000 people live in these buildings.

UNICEF urgently delivered 13.5 tons of emergency supplies and around 29,000 packages of hygiene products to 24 public and health institutions – schools, kindergartens, public hospitals and health centers in the regions of Petrinja, Sisak and Glina.

UNICEF, in close partnership with the social welfare system and through an implementing partner, has deployed four mobile teams in the affected areas to provide mental health services and psychosocial support to foster care families and other families at heightened risk in Glena, Petringa and Sisak.

The UNICEF Country Office in Croatia and the National Committee in Slovenia for UNICEF have launched emergency appeals to raise funds and raise US $ 401,000 so far in Slovenia and Croatia for immediate and long-term emergency response.

An overview of the humanitarian situation and needs

On December 28-29, 2020, two strong earthquakes measuring 5.2 and 6.3 on the Richter scale struck the town of Petringa in Sisak-Moslavina countryside, causing a large number of casualties and extensive material damage. The maximum perceived intensity was estimated at the eighth (severely damaging) to the ninth (devastating) on ​​the European Great Earthquake Scale, the worst earthquake in Croatia in the past 140 years. More than 30 people were rescued from the rubble, 8 people lost their lives (including a 13-year-old girl), and 36 injured people were hospitalized.

Since the initial strong earthquakes, the Petringa region has been subjected to several aftershocks, ranging in strength from 1.2 to 4.8 on the Richter scale, which have increased fear and anxiety of residents and contributed to more damage to homes and buildings. The earthquakes and aftershocks also affected neighboring provinces, including Zagreb, Zapresic and Karlovac. Over the past week, seismic activity has decreased, bringing some calm to the affected population.

There was widespread damage to buildings and infrastructure. So far, the authorities have received more than 46,000 reports of damaged buildings. Stable engineers have examined more than half of the facilities with damage reported. Over 3,200 buildings inspected were assessed as unfit for use due to severe damage, and over 5,100 buildings were marked as temporarily unusable. It is estimated that about 15,000-20,000 people live in these buildings. Nine school buildings are unusable due to severe damage, 12 are temporarily unusable and must be rebuilt, 12 are usable with certain parts of the buildings still being a hazard and 23 school buildings are usable without restrictions. Healthcare facilities in Petringa and Jalina are beyond repair. The Civil Protection Command received a total of 2,302 requests for temporary shelter for people who lost their homes, of which 880 were priority requests. Currently, temporary housing is provided to around 60 families in state-owned apartments, approximately. 130 people. So far, 928 housing containers have been secured through government and private donations in 6 locations, while the demand for these mobile homes is estimated at 1500. According to the latest available data, there are currently 487 people, among whom are 29 children (ages 1-15). , In collective shelters in six locations; Two sites have been isolated due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Due to the large number of residents residing in temporary shelters, rapid vaccination against Coronavirus has begun in the earthquake-affected area. More than 2,500 people have been vaccinated so far.

The earthquake and the ongoing aftershocks caused strong emotional and physiological reactions in children and adults that were directly affected as well as a large number of residents living in the surrounding areas. There is an overwhelming feeling of fatigue and severe stress reactions due to which most children and adults report insomnia, anxiety and fear.

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