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From the 1991 earthquake to the 2013 Kedarnath flood, a look at the major natural disasters that devastated Hill State


New Delhi: A major tragedy occurred in the Chamuli district of Uttarakhand on Sunday after the Nandadevi glacier collapsed in Goshimath, leading to massive flooding in the Dawli Ganga River. The massive floods in the region left at least 8 people dead and more than 170 missing. Two NTPC hydropower projects for the Tapovan-Vishnugad project and the Rishi Ganga Hydel project were hit hard. Read also – Uttarakhand Glacier Burst LIVE News and Updates: 8 bodies recovered, many of them missing; Rescue operations are underway

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has confirmed that he has been monitoring the situation in the state constantly. He wrote on Twitter yesterday: “India stands with Uttarakhand, praying for the safety of everyone.” Speaking to a crowd in West Bengal state, he assured all assistance in fighting the disaster and said that he is in constant contact with the Prime Minister of Uttarakhand and Home Minister Amit Shah about the rescue and relief efforts that are being carried out. Rs 2 lakh compensation for the family of those killed in the accident. Read also – Uttarakhand tragedy: It was against energy projects in Ganga, the main tributaries as a minister, says Uma Bharti

It is worth noting that Al-Tilal State has been exposed to major natural disasters over the past three decades. Check out some of them here:

1991 Uttarkashi earthquake: At least 768 people were killed and thousands of homes destroyed after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck the undivided state of Uttar Pradesh on October 19, 1991. Scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) conducted a survey of the affected areas between October 27 and November 4. Their work revealed that more than 300,000 people in 1294 villages were affected by the trauma.

1998 Malpa Landlide: The small village of Malpa in Pithoragarh District was wiped out in a landslide that killed around 255 people, including 55 visitors to the Kailash Mansarovar. The resulting debris led to a partial embankment of the Sharda River.

1999 Chamuli Earthquake: A 6.8 magnitude earthquake jolted Chamuli region, killing more than 100 people. The neighboring Rudraprayag district was also badly damaged. Numerous landslides have been reported as a result of the earthquake, and landslides and changes in water flow have also been recorded. Cracks in roads and on the ground have been observed.

2013 Kedarnath Floods: Nearly 6,000 people are assumed to have died after a multi-day cloud blast in Uttarakhand caused devastating floods and landslides. More than 3 people were trapped in the valleys leading to the Shar Dham pilgrimage sites where bridges and roads were destroyed in the accident.


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