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Earthquake information: strong mag. 5.4-26 km NW of Yasuj, Kohgiloye and Boyer Ahmed, Iran, Wednesday, February 17, 2021 10:05 pm (GMT +3: 30)


Strong earthquake measuring 5.4 at a depth of 10 km

Feb 17 18:44 UTC: First to notify: EMSC after 8 minutes Feb 17 18:46: Volume recalculated from 5.3 to 5.4. Depth of the blast center was recalculated from 10.0 to 30.0 km (6.2 to 18.6 mi). Corrected epicenter location of 23 km (14 mi) northwest towards NW … [show all] … 17 February 18:48: The depth of the hypocenter is recalculated from 30.0 to 10.0 km (18.6 to 6.2 miles). Corrected epicenter location of 4 km (2.5 mi) towards WSW 17 Feb 18:52: magnitude recalculated from 5.4 to 5.1.17 Feb 18:57: magnitude recalculated from 5.1 to 5.4. The epicenter position was corrected at 23 km (15 mi) towards S.

Update Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 6:48 PM

An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale 48 km northwest of Yasuj, Iran

5.4 Earthquake Feb 17 10:05 pm (GMT +3: 30)

The European Mediterranean Seismic Center (EMSC) reported that an earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale occurred just 12 minutes ago 48 kilometers northwest of Yasuj, Iran. Ahmad, Iran, Wednesday evening February 17, 2021 at 9:35 pm local time. The exact size, focus and depth of an earthquake may be reviewed within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and improve their calculations, or when other agencies release their reports. Our monitoring service identified a second report from the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) that recorded the magnitude 5.4 earthquake as well, and based on preliminary seismic data, many people probably felt the earthquake in the epicenter area. It should not have caused much damage, other than falling off shelves, broken windows, etc. In Semīrom (population 27,200) located 37 km from the epicenter, and Yasuj (district 96,800) at 48 km, the earthquake should have been felt a slight tremor. A weak tremor was probably felt in Dahdasht (population 69,700) located 92 km from the epicenter, 99 km from Borijn (population 52,700) at 99 km, Dujonbadan (population 94,600) 104 km away, Nrabad ( Population: 64,000)) at 109 km, and Abadeh (59,100) at 113 km. VolcanoDiscovery will automatically update the size and depth if these things change and follow up if other important earthquake news becomes available If you are in the area, please submit your experience to us through our reporting mechanism, either online or via our mobile app. This will help us provide more live updates to anyone around the world who wants to know more about this earthquake.

If you are or have been in this area during an earthquake, help others post your feedback and submit a quick report here.

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Date and time: February 17, 2021 18:35:35 UTC – Local time at the epicenter: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 10:05 pm (GMT +3: 30) Strength: 5.4 Depth: 10.0 km Latitude / longitude of the epicenter : 30.87 ° N / 51.45 ° E (Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Iran) Nearby towns and cities: 26 km (16 mi) north of Yasuj (population: 96,800) -> Watch nearby earthquakes! 62 km (38 miles) south of Simorum (Samirum-Samirim, Isfahan) (Population: 27200) -> Watch nearby earthquakes! 84 km (52 ​​mi) north of Norabad (population: 64,000) -> Watch nearby earthquakes! 84 km (52 ​​miles) north of Dogonbadan (pop: 94600) -> Watch nearby earthquakes! 85 km (53 mi) east of Dahdasht (Population: 69,700) -> Watch nearby earthquakes! 119 km (74 miles) north of Behbahan (Khuzestan) (population: 79,300) – -> See nearby earthquakes 140 km (87 miles) north of Kazrin (population: 94,500) -> Watch nearby earthquakes! 199 km (124 miles) south of Isfahan (Population: 1547200) -> Watch nearby earthquakes! 373 km (232 mi) ENE for Kuwait City (Capital, Kuwait) (Population: 60,100) -> Watch nearby earthquakes! 537 km (333 miles) south of Tehran (Tehran) (Population: 7153300) -> Watch the earthquakes nearby! Weather in Epicin III Earthquake time: clear clouds 9 ° C (48 ° F), humidity: 87%, winds: 3 m / s (6 knots) from WSW Primary data source: EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean Seismic Center) Estimated Output Energy: 7.9 x 1012 Joules (2.21 GWh, 1,898 tons of TNT equivalent or 0.1 atomic bomb!) More information

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If you feel this earthquake (or if you are near the epicenter), please share your experience and provide a short “felt it” report! Other users would love to hear about it and also if you don’t feel an earthquake despite your presence in the area please report it! Your contribution is also valuable to seismology, earthquake risk analysis, and mitigation efforts. You can use your device’s location or the map to indicate where you are during an earthquake. Thank you! Data of the same earthquake has been reported by different agencies

Information: The more agencies report the same earthquake and publish similar data, the more confident you will be in the data. It usually takes up to a few hours for earthquake parameters to be calculated with near-perfect accuracy.

Depth Location Source 5.410 km Central Iran CM 5.310 km North and Central Iran GFZM 5.310 km North and Central Iran GeoAuM 5.410 km27 Km NW Yasuj, Iran USGSM 5.610 km11 Km from Sisakht, Kohgiluye Va Boyerahmad, Iran IRSCM 5.410 kmUs, Iran

Contribution: Leave a comment if you find a specific report interesting or want to add to it. Mark as inappropriate, tag useful or interesting, post your user report!

Kuwait / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / 5-10 w: Shaking doors and hanging items | One user found this interesting.

Shiraz (154.5 km southeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV) / 2-5 sec

542.3 km north from the epicenter [Map] / Imperceptible (reported through our app) 1209.3 km northwest of the epicenter [Map] / Don’t feel (reported by our app)

Kuwait / weak vibration (MMI III) / rumble, shake / 5-10 sec

Yasuj / strong vibration (MMI VI)

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