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ShakeAlert helps Oregonians prepare for the unpredictable | social communication

ShakeAlert helps Oregonians prepare for the unpredictable |  social communication


Wildfires, floods, volcanoes and earthquakes: Oregon has its share of natural hazards. Each of these hazards present unique challenges, but one of the biggest challenges to earthquake preparedness is the unpredictability. Earthquakes strike without warning, causing widespread damage within seconds.

Thankfully, there’s a ready-made tool, ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning, coming to Oregon on March 11th. ShakeAlert does not expect earthquakes. Instead, it uses a network of sensors to detect an earthquake that has just started.

ShakeAlert processing centers use data from sensors to calculate the estimated earthquake magnitude and intensity. Alert distribution providers (such as operators of purpose-built applications) create an alert that can be delivered to wireless devices – within seconds – and potentially reach device users before vibration. In the seconds between receiving the stimulation and feeling vibration, people can protect themselves by falling, covering, and holding on.

“One of the causes of unpredictable earthquakes is a phenomenon called ‘adhesive slip’,” said Jenny Crane, a teacher at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), who supports awareness and education related to ShakeAlert.

The push and pull of tectonic plates puts pressure on rocks within the Earth. But instead of sliding smoothly along the rocks, the rocks “stick” and are borne out by friction. Sooner or later, without warning, this pressure overcomes friction and the rocks “slip”, causing an earthquake.

By studying past earthquakes, mapping and monitoring movement along plate boundaries and faults, seismologists can identify regions, such as the Pacific Northwest, that have high earthquake risks, Crane explains. Seismologists can also look at the frequency period (the average amount of time between earthquakes) to estimate the likelihood of a future earthquake. But odds are not predictions. Nobody knows exactly where, or when, the next earthquake will happen.

This is why ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning is a valuable preparedness tool. By rapidly detecting earthquakes and posting alerts, the system can provide seconds of rescue for personnel. ShakeAlert-powered alerts can also be used to initiate automatic actions like shutting off the gas valve or slowing down a train. These measures can prevent successive infrastructure failures in the aftermath of an earthquake.

ShakeAlert is an easy-to-use tool. Starting March 11, Oregon mobile devices will be able to receive ShakeAlert-powered alerts via Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA), just like in severe weather or AMBER alert. All WEA alerts, regardless of type, work the same way. The device makes a distinct notification sound and the alert pops up in a text window on the screen. Some devices with text-to-audio capability may read the text of the message.

In the event of an earthquake alert, the WEA text will read: “An earthquake is detected! Drop, cover, wait. Protect yourself. -USGS ShakeAlert.” This message is available in Spanish for phones that have been set to receive alerts in that language.

ShakeAlert-powered alerts can also be sent through applications designed for this purpose; Newer Android phones have ShakeAlert capacity built into the OS, providing a third alert delivery route.

“ShakeAlert can deliver crucial seconds of advance warning before we feel the vibration effects from the earthquake,” says Andrew Phelps, director of the Oregon Office of Emergency Management. “These precious seconds allow people to take preventive action to increase their chances of surviving disasters rather than being victims of them.”


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