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Trump appears to be in control of the Republican Party and the media in the CPAC Barnburner


Before his CPAC speech in Orlando, critics from across the media spectrum were asked whether they could predict what former President Trump, Donald Trump, and Sacha Baron Cohen described in his Golden Globe speech, Sorkin used a quote from Abe Hoffman to condemn Capitol violence: Democracy is “ Something you do, “is planning Pearson, a former Trump aide who plans to run for Congress. More he might say or do in his first public appearance since inauguration. But trying to predict anything about Trump is like trying to predict when and where the earthquake will strike. There is no road map.

But as we witnessed on a Sunday afternoon, the political death of the forty-fifth president was starkly overrated. The atmosphere at CPAC just five weeks after the inauguration of the Democratic president and the restoration of the Senate majority was blissful and relaxed.

On some level, the Republican Party is much more comfortable making noise in the minority, as perpetual celebration reigns over a daily deluge of grievances over everything Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Swallowell, AOC, and the gift that keeps giving and abolishing culture.

For his part, this was also a situation Trump might enjoy the most in returning to Trump 2015-2016, throwing arrows at whatever he believes was a mistake in the swamp, the Democratic Party’s desperate drift left and the absentee president in Biden. It also put an end to any possibility of a new and alternate MAGA / Patriot Party.

“We have the Republican Party, I’m not starting a new party … we’re not interested in that,” Trump told an enthusiastic CPAC crowd.

So, this was the moment when Donald Trump somehow brought the Republican Party back into line behind him. He knows what they know: Most of Trump’s supporters will vote for him again if he goes ahead with the party nomination. Senator Mitt Romney Willard (Mitt) Mitt Romney, a Trump aide, Pearson plans to run for Congress Five takeaways from CPAC 2021, Trump shows he is in control of the Republican Party, CPAC media barnburner MORE (R-Utah) – Don’t admire the forty-fifth president – He correctly said that if Trump ran again, he would win.

There is also a poll published earlier by CPAC that showed 55 percent of attendees said they would vote for Trump in the virtual primaries of 2024, which is lower than one would expect but still 34 points higher than the runner-up, the governor. Florida Ron Diantesron. DeSantis showed five fast food from CPAC 2021 Trump he holds a tight grip on the Republican Party, and the media at CPAC, Barnbirner Trump wins a CPAC poll 55 percent more, 51 points higher than South Dakota Gov. Christy Noem. Republican party and media in CPAC Barnbirner Trump win CPAC poll with 55 percent more.

Here are some more interesting numbers: A recent Morning Consult poll showed that nearly six in ten Republican voters want the 45th president to play a “major role” in the party’s advancement, marking a significant 18-point jump since the action was taken. The poll. After the horrific riots in the Capitol that directly led to Trump’s second impeachment. The number of Republicans who believe Trump is at least partially responsible for the riots also decreased by 14 points, to 27 percent from January 7.

The poll found that 81 percent of Republicans now say they have a positive view of the former president, up from 77 percent early last month.

This seemed impossible in the wake of the riots that included the murder of a Capitol police officer. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Addison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell Trump appears to be holding a stranglehold on the Republican Party, and CPAC media outlets, Barnbirner Trump, have ruled out starting a new party: “ Fake news ” appears on Sunday – Trump re-emerges, And COVID-19 vaccines and variants dominate the most (R-Ky.) He publicly denounced just two weeks ago, indicating a divorce attempt from Trump.

McConnell declared in the Senate Chamber that “Former President Trump’s actions that preceded the riots were disgraceful dereliction of duty.” “Trump is responsible, in practice and morally, for provoking today’s events.”

Two weeks later, two days before Trump’s speech, McConnell sang a different tune in saying he would support Trump if he wins the nomination.

McConnell says he will support Trump as the 2024 Republican nominee

– The Hill (@thehill) February 26, 2021

One of Trump’s problems from the start has been his message discipline, as evidenced by the more than 25,000 tweets he sent while in office. For his CPAC speech, the goal should have been to not be distracted by continuing to insist that the elections are rigged, and that they are stolen, despite losing dozens of court battles and the lack of solid evidence to support them. And while there were many doubts about it, Trump mostly avoided sounding the whimper he was after November 3.

Those who support Trump ultimately wanted to hear about the future, not the past they couldn’t change. Focusing on 2022, where the Republican Party has a very strong chance of restoring the House of Representatives in needing to turn only five seats, the primary focus should be. (Obama lost 63 House seats in his first term, while Trump lost 42, making his heart five with a hypothetical surety.) “Nancy Pelosensee Trump’s retirement shows he is holding a stranglehold on the Republican Party, and the media at CPAC, Barnbirner, is giving back Biden Bipartisan Meetings At the White House, McCarthy: “I bet in my house the Republican Party regains the bottom room in 2022 more” is an easy and eloquent bumper sticker while serving as the primary catalyst for Al Qaeda. Trump has introduced, particularly on the subject of Biden’s failed letters and his execution on reopening schools.

On Sunday, Trump said, “There is absolutely no reason why the vast majority of young Americans should not return to school immediately.” The only reason most parents do not have this option is because Joe Biden provides support for union organizing efforts in the Senate. Democrats reject Plan B on raising the minimum wage, Kavanaugh inflames Conservatives by evading pro-Trump lawsuits. Teachers’ unions. “

Trump has also criticized the Biden administration by eliminating 11,000 full and temporary jobs around the Keystone pipeline, on returning “children in cages” in literally reopening immigrant facilities compared to detention camps by some Democrats as the crisis begins again at the border. Trump also hit the aforementioned swamp. “The COVID-19 Relief Bill allocates only 9 percent of the nearly $ 2 trillion that is spent on direct COVID-19 measures,” he said.

It’s hard to imagine, looking at the poll numbers, that Trump will not jump back into the ring in 2024. Many in the Republican Party probably secretly wish he would play a kingmaker for an apparent heir like DeSantis, and as the main fundraiser, without being at the top of The card is for Democrats to conduct the virtual referendum again for voters without having to defend their own registry under the ABT motto (“Anyone Except Trump”).

However, the year 2024 began, the year 2021 became more interesting for a few days as Trump returned to the stage.

Cable News will get its ratings boost. Print and electronic media will get an increase in traffic, albeit for a while.

Not long ago, the unpredictable human earthquake of a political establishment like Donald Trump fell. It looked as if he was outside.

Now, it looks like the next chapter of the big comeback has already been written.

Joe Concha is a columnist for media and politics at The Hill.


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