The court ordered the decommissioning of the Tokai Nuclear Plant No. 2: the Asahi Shimbun
MITO – On March 18, the MITO District Court ordered the suspension of the old Tokai No.2 nuclear power plant, giving victory to a group of 224 plaintiffs who sought an injunction.
The court said preparedness to deal with the disaster was extremely inadequate, acknowledging the lack of well-designed evacuation plans and their implementation system.
Lawyers representing the plaintiffs described the ruling as “an era-making”.
The plaintiffs, residents of Ibaraki Prefecture and the Tokyo metropolitan area, filed a lawsuit in 2012 against the Japan Atomic Energy Corporation, which operates the one-reactor plant in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture.
One of the major controversies in the court battle was the appropriateness of the base number for seismic ground motion of Japanese atomic energy to the area around the station.
Basic ground motion means the ground motions of earthquakes having the intensity at the maximum scale between those possible at the site.
A nuclear power plant is built on the basis of this figure, which is also used to check the plant’s safety.
After the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, government regulations on nuclear reactors were tightened in 2013 to require reactor operators to have a higher intensity factor than earlier estimates when they set the basis for the seismic ground movement number.
Japanese atomic energy calculated the number based on data from previous earthquakes that occurred around the site.
When calculating this number, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, the state nuclear watchdog, also invites operators to consider larger potential fluctuations in strength.
The NRA says that the basis for ground movement of earthquakes determined by the current calculation method is the “average” of numbers available from previous data.
Japanese atomic energy has defended the basis of its fundamental Earth seismic motion as being 50 percent above average.
But prosecutors countered that the number must be four times the current figure to ensure the safety of the plant.
Another point of contention was whether the Japanese atomic energy method of determining a seismic fault likely to cause an earthquake was appropriate when the ground motion basis was calculated.
The Japanese Atomic Energy Corporation said that the method was created on the basis of accumulated data.
But prosecutors objected that the method could not reactivate the severe tremors caused by the Great East Japan earthquake of magnitude 9.0 in March 2011.
The court also heard whether the reactor that began operating in 1978 was suitable enough to continue service.
The NRA agreed to extend the statutory life of 40 years for Tokai Nuclear Plant No. 2 to 20 years in November 2018.
But the plaintiffs argued that the measures to protect the cables and earthquake resistance of equipment and pipes were not sufficient.
Tokai Factory No. 2 was offline after being damaged in the tsunami that followed the Great East Japan Earthquake.
The operator is building a seawall against the tsunami and other safeguards for the station, a project expected to be completed in December 2022.
Tokai Nuclear Plant No. 2 is the only commercial reactor located in the Tokyo metropolitan area. About 940,000 people reside within a 30-kilometer radius of the plant, which is the largest possible number of any nuclear power plant in the country.
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